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peace and hotep,
a few years ones became upset about the truth of hebrew/hyksos history.
some ones have even dedicated time to dispell any of theses evidences.
ones could not understand how withe in a certain time frame that it is possible for Isaac and Jacob to be the same entities......considering the age of Abraham (100 yrs) at the time of the birth of Isaac and the age of Abraham at the time of the birth of Jacob(160 yrs). Abraham was 100 years old when Isaac was born. Isaac was the longest-lived of the patriarchs, living till the age of 180 years, and THE ONLY BIBLICAL PATRIARH WHOSE NAME WAS NOT CHANGED. Isaac was the only patriarch who did not leave Canaan, although he once tried to leave and God told him not to do so. Compared to other patriarchs in the Bible, his story is less colorful, relating few incidents of his life.
also a few years before Abraham died at age 176,
Abraham pimped his (b)ride again..... this time to King Abimelech.
ohhhh.....the fair Sarah.
how old could she had been a few years before Abraham died? withe a 'tight' body to match?
sara lee and betty crocker are bothe leaven broads at the century marker......
Chapter 7
By Maaxeru Tep
So what’s some the key factors that today’s so-called jews make when attempting to validate the legacy of the judeo-faith. Well for starters the claim that they are GOD’s “chosen” people! That proclamation is supposedly predicated on “their” story that nearly 4000 years ago they were hardworking mixed (semite) skinned people mistreated by cruel black-skinned indigenous African leadership in a place called Kemet(Egypt). And it was their endurance of that mistreatment that prompted “GOD” to choose them as “his” people to save and protect from the criminally harsh rulership of KEMET. The way I see it, the only realistic way to find out if this jew claim is accurate is to match up the time-frame that the jews themselves claim that these “historical” events to place. Now with that said, because these events “supposedly” took place in KEMET(Egypt), all we have to do is track Kemetic historic truth and use that truth as the weight to either legitimize or de-legitimize the jewish religious claims. Supposedly, according to the bible, between 1800 and 1700 (bce), these people, called the infamous “Israelites –children of Israel,” entered KEMET as 70 shepherds divided into 12 patriarchal families.
During the period of 2150-2040(bce), known as the first intermediate period, integration with malice minded Asiatic foreigners caused Kemet’s proficient and powerful spiritual structure, as well as mercantile strength and defense power to gradually decline. That decline ultimately led to political instability and unstable social relations among Kemet’s masses. The foreigner’s two-faced interaction and negative influence on indigenous Kemetic citizens created wide-spread tension among Kemet’s leadership and the public masses. Mentuhotep I (11th dynasty period 2014 bce), took all of this in consideration and concluded that the only chance Kemit had to develop constructively in conjunction with NETER’s (GOD) plan for African humanity (MAAT) and unite the two lands was to expel all of the distractions,. Therefore, by governmental order, all Asiatic foreigners had to leave Kemet voluntarily or be forced out militarily. Consequently, in 2040(bce), the negative element of foreign criminal intent was defeated and Mentuhotep II(son of Mentuhotep I) once again united upper and lower Kemet, relocating the capital to Waset(Thebes-Karnak/Luxor).
Senwosret I of the 12th dynastic period continued Mentuhotep’s efforts and extended the Kemetic kingdom through the Sinai-peninsula and continuing up through the Tigris and Euphrates river (Iraq). In fact, senwosret captured so many invading Europeans in the processs that he had to sep up a colony in their bare territory just to maintain them. Forming in the process the city of Athens(Greece) in 1897 (bce).
Asians and Europeans spent centuries expelled from the Kemetic Kingdom. After expulsion from Kemit one particular faction of semitic Aryan-europeans who after expulsion from Kemet relocated in and around the sinai peninsula(Palestine). This group stands out because it was they who initiated the next war campaign against Kemet. They understood the military power, and even more intriguing, the unique richness of Kemet. Their schematic plan was first to recruit other foreigners to assist them in the militant overthrow of Kemet. Their war-mission was subsequently welcomed by the arabs, Asians, Europeans, and practically all other non- Africans. That unification formed the populist coalition supposedly needed to defeat the Kemetic kingdom. Their strategy was to move by chariot-horse quietly in the south (upper) and then strike the north ((a for 233 years (1783-1550bce). However, while in control it should be noted that they contributed of formulated NOTHING in regards to Kemetic creative advancement. As a matter of fact, there are no historic symbolisms, icons, or written documentation by them that would even let you know they were there. In 1550 (18th dynasty) Kemetic forces, under the direction of Ahmose I (Nebpehti-Ra), and his youthful son, Amonhotep I (Tcheser-Ka-Ra), defeated the hyksos and once again expelled them from Kemetic soil. What happened next with the expelled hyksos is the actual beginning of Judaism. That beginning starts with one particular group of the hyksos coalition. That group is none other than the hyksos organizers, the semitic-aryan indo-europeans. After expulsion, and having absolutely zero optimism in returning to Kemit to do battle with the powerful 18th dynasty, they congregated in the Sinai mountains and formed what turned out to be an extremely diabolical systematic plot. That plot entailed criminal plagiarism for the purpose of fraudulently selling themselves to other Asians and Europeans as spiritually superior to the powerful MAAT promoting Africans. Their initial scheme was to plagiarize all, or as much as possible, “STOLEN” Kemetic symbolism’s that spelled out the Africans BA-spiritual and MAAT-humanistic connection with NETER (GOD) that information was provided in a variety of ways. Documentation, in the form of papyri-interpretations of conceptual scenarios, painted expressions of daily life, recorded war-events, MAAT-RA ceremonies, etc., were just some of the transmitted forms of material expressing the Kemetic African’s comprehension of GOD as well as the purpose and MAAT-policy for social development. Again, the “FALSE” claim to kemetic knowledge was the ultimate goal. Re-documentation was fairly easy to formulate for the semitic Aryan-hyksos because during their 233 years of occupancy they had collected a large quantity of Kemetic ideology which was written on temple walls, tombs, the sarcophagus of the deceased, amulets, etc. once collected and reformatted(NAMES AND PLACES changed), the semitic Aryan-hyksos’s plan was to promote to their surrounding European-asian neighbors and all other non- Africans outside of Kemet the fraud that it was actually their creative mind that formulated the powerful Kemetic thought.
This so-called story supposedly starts with Abraham, who led the semitic Aryan-hyksos(historically RE- classified as the ‘children of israel’) from northern Mesopotamia(iraq) because of famine. At this point there’s an unaccountable time gap, and then as the story goes this group “settles” in “Egypt(KEMET)” as 70 shepherds divided into 12 tribes. First of all, there is no such thing as “SETTLED”. In the real sense of the word, settle means invade-kill-steal. Never in the human “times” of this world has a NON- African (foreign) group left their territorial habitation and went to foreign lands (AFRICA) with the intent of subscribing to that indigenous lands ideology and method of social and spiritual structure. Instead, they either come to implement their own foreign ideologies to the people of that land, or as was the case of Abraham, the people was mentally deficient and incapable of consciously digesting the intricate system of MAAT. THE REASON IS TO JUSTIFY THEIR MALICIOUS INTENT WHICH IS STEALING THE RICH LAND, THE MINERALS THAT COME WITH THE LAND, AND THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE INDIGENOUS PEOPLE WHO INHABIT THE LAND. The bottom line is: settlers have always been ‘greedy and murderous’ foreign invaders.
Britain, supposedly, “settled” southern Africa and murdered millions in the process. England, spain, and Portugal, supposedly settled the “americas”, murdering 300 million Indians and genociding many tribal-sects in the process. Europe “settled” the entire continent of Africa, murdering millions of Africans and genociding many Africans groups in the process. All the time stealing the indigenous land, the spiritual and scientific knowledge that came with that land, then acting to revise it, throw it on a European format, and proclaim it as their creation. You do not go to somebody’s clean house with the intention to steal and kill the inhabitants land and property and receive a warm welcome. Now, as the “story” goes the semitic Aryan-hyksos (Israelites or children of Israel), claimed to be wandering migrants who under the leadership of Abraham moved to caanan (present day Palestine-israel) somewhere around 1800bce. The story twist at that point and the focus turns to abraham’s second son Isaac who for some strange reason decides to change his name to jacob. Then, as the “story” goes, jacob’s son joseph is sold by his brothers into slavery in Kemet. There he ultimately becomes a vice-regent and sends for all seventy of his immediate relatives to live in Kemet in high governmental positions. The fact of the matter is that entire episode is a bare-faced lie, constructed by the semitic Aryan-hyksos (Israelites) for the purposed of recruiting sympathetic support from white barbarians and other sea-peoples (Hittites, greeks, Assyrians, philistines, etc.), who now separated themselves from the hyksos movement and was in the process of structuring their own new agenda toward advancing militarily inside Kemet. Now to find out what is fact and what is fraud, all we have to do is match the verbal accusations and proclamations. The key is simple, if and when truth can be proven; it remains truth. If and when the construct of a lie cannot be justified, it remains a lie. The time period in which the accusations cover must be traced. The mind-set of the African-accused, and the political, spiritual, and social structure of the African-accused must be traced for validity. Also, events, accomplishments, and circumstances involving the African-group (Kemetians/Egyptians) whose character is held in defamation by this “historical” jew-tale must be traced. Once traced for validity, the weight of the truth-scale can only tip in favor of African truth, OR semitic Aryan-hyksos (Israelites)FRAUD!
TRACK THE PERIOD IN QUESTION 1800-------------1200 BCE
1783-1550: first of all, it is eye-witness documented historical fact that from 1783-1550, the semitic Aryan-hyksos (Israelites) invaded and ruled Kemet. They attributed nothing, but “ruled”. So if joseph was sold into slavery he was sold to the semitic Aryan-hyksos(Israelites) NOT the Kemetic Africans. Also, if the semitic Aryan-hyksos(Israelites)were tortured thereafter, they were tortured by their own people. Also in question is the natural posture of leadership in Kemet and the social climate of Kemetic Africa. Temple leaders were defenders of maat. Their rise to leadership level heavily depended on their determination, motivation, and skill to unify and /or stabilize the two lands (upper and lower Kemet). In fact, in order to reach community leadership positions in Kemet you had to be observed and credited by the public masses, as well as the council of elder that represented the massed, as a powerful promoter and practitioner of maat.
Kemet was not formulated for battle purposes, but rather for spiritual, mental, social, and environmental development. All of this was/is in documentation drawn from eyewitness accounts and written testimony provided by leaders, assistants, record keepers and admirers. Written essays of Kemet’s structure of ba-maat spiritualism, socialism, defense, harvest, etc. , were also well papyri-documented. Also available for assessment were the writings on behalf of the lives of living/or deceased leaders. All this documentation was written in Medu-Neter (hieroglyphics) on papyri, tombs, amulets, etc.
Documented history shows that during the dynastic period, the majority, if not all of Kemet’s battles were inside their own home (kemet). “ DEFENDING” and keeping out the invading hyksos coalition, and other non- African groups who were comprised of Asians, arabs and Europeans. The documented facts will prove that Kemet was “NEVER” the slave society like that shameful Hollywood movie “ten commandments” wanted the world to believe. In the last one hundred years alone, excavations (or thievery) at the tombs in sahara, giza, and other Kemetic locations have located the shallow graves of tomb workers who were basically divisioned as brick workers, ditch diggers, chiselers, etc. what’s most important though is the inscriptions on their toms and the walls around the tombs. These inscriptions unequivocally state that the workers were respected skilled workers who had union-styled representation, were taxed differently by trade, and were rewarded with leadership promotions and ultimately mason status. A status that was extremely admirable to the workers, the council of elders, and Kemet’s chief leadership. Kemit, absolutely, unequivocally was not a dictatorship community. For that reason, joseph or anybody else could not have been sold into slavery, in Kemet(Egypt).
1550--------1320 BCE
The dynasty following Kamose’s (1605) successful naval attack against apophis’s hyksos forces saw Ahmose I (1550), lead the offensive that ultimately defeated the hyksos. That victory founded Kemet’s strongest line of leadership, the powerful 18th dynasty. Joined by his side was his wife Queen Nefertai, their son Amenhotep I and daughter Ahmaat. Thutmose I married Ahmaat and thereby became the next leader of Kemet. Next in the Kemetic line of leadership was Thutmose’s daughter, Queen Hatshepsut(1475). Hatshepsut may have been the strongest female leader in all Kemetic-dynastic times. She is well documented as not only having an aggressive personality. She was directly responsible for kemet’s expansion of foreign trade, strength of national defense, implementation of community building programs and the build up of a large and effective nave fleet for war and commerce purposed.
Qween Hatshepsut, initially gain the throne as a regent because Thutmose III was to young to take the throne. When Thutmose III finally became chief Kemetic leader, he had so much jealousy and animosity towards the former queen, that he, undermined her accomplishments by destroying all documents baring her name as well as erasing her name off all monuments. He even went as far as chiseling her name off of documents, monuments etc. and installing his name, fraudulently taking credit for the accomplishments of Queen Hatshepsut.
This act of schematic vengeance proved to be the systematical platform in which the white Greco-roman, euro-christian and Moslem arabs used to destroy African features on statues, sphinx, etc. in a fraudulent attempt to erace factual history and substitute it with their own self styled tales. Underneath this group was Amenhotep III (1391), who led kemet at its most expansive and strongest period. Beside him was his most powerful wife Qween Tye and their son Amenhotep IV or Anknaton. After serving 17 years as Kemet’s leader, Anknaton died and was replaced by his son tutankhamon who died violently after taking the throne. Between the subsequent time periods is when the fraudulent claim that moses took the so-called ten commandments(plagiarist duplications of 42 admonition laws) up to mt. Sinai(1346). The 19th dynastic period opened up with Seti I. he oversaw the construction of his own tomb in the valley of the kings. His temple to this day is still one of the peaks of ancient Kemetic art. A scene on one of the walls in the back chamber describes Seti’s participation in the ritual practice of the eternal soul in the last judgement. In realistic terms, these godly sentiments hardly belong to the mind-set of a man who “supposedly” teaches his son, Rameses II, the craft of cruelty. Succeeding the reign of Seti I , who was Kemetic leader from (1306-1290, began the dynastic reign of the twelve Rameses Kings. The Rameses rule continued through about (1080), most notable in this line was Rameses II and Rameses III.
The defeat of the semitic Aryan-hyksos(Israelites) by ahmoses I (18th dynastic period) marked the end of any mentioning of the semitic Aryan-hyksos in Kemetic writings, all invasions after this period (which is documented in Kemetic records) were dominated by whit/European barbarians or sea-peoples, who had separated themselves from the semitic Aryan-hyksos and were comprised of greeks, Assyrians, romans, philistines, sumerians,etc. these white/European barbarian invaders were attempting to capture and misuse Kemet’s food and healing solutions along with Kemet’s mineral wealth. European body contamination was of wide-spread knowledge in Kemet. In turn, kemetic officials made several attempts to provide food support, but the continued insubordinate criminal behavior by the white barbaric sea peoplesl minimized any type of respectfully intended humanitarian act. Nevertheless, Rameses II and Rameses III still sent vast amounts of wheat to famine stricken Europe. Now this act of humanitarian consideration to a bunch of white criminals who come to “your house” to steal, kill and plagiarize, hardly matches the white judeo Christian ‘s definition of ‘Pharoah Rameses’ as some type of strict maniac! For millenniums the European (hyksos) jews and the white so-called christians have been desperately trying to sell the world on the lie that it was the semitic Aryan-hyksos(children of Israel) who were brutally mistreated by Rameses (1290). When the documented truth explicitly details that during this time period it was actually the white euro-barbarian sea people who invade Kemet with the criminal intent to steal, kill and plagiarize, but were defeated and imprisoned by the defense forces of Rameses II.
This proves that Rameses II NEVER defended against the hyksos (children of Israel), and all the scenes on the walls of the temples are actually depicting Rameses II striking the captured white criminal European invaders NOT the semitic Aryan-hyksos (children of Israel)
European and ‘christianized’ African scholar have always proclaimed that the 19th Dynasty under Pharaoh Rameses II under Pharaoh Rameses II was responsible for torturing the ‘jews’ until they were rescued by so-called ‘moses’. Of course this 19th dynasty date (1290) does not correspond with the proposed date (1346 or 1220) of moses’s proposed Mt Sinai trip. But dates formulated to support a fraud never do. This entire story is just that, a FICTITIOUS story! Nothing more than a fraud perpetuated by the deceitful semitic Aryan-hyksos (children of Israel). Their reason for constructing this lie was to justify themselves as spiritually superior over the Kemetic ‘black-skinned’ African with the hopes that their fraudulent claim of ‘superiority’ would win them European and asian allies that would in turn respect their ’religious’ proclamations and sympathize with their much traveled social mis-condition. So-called ‘moses’ (scapegoat representative), never existed! And in all likelihood neither did Abraham. However, given the foundational time-period of Judaism, and the fact that HYKSOS means chief-shepherd, and ‘Abraham’ was supposed to be a wandering shepherd, it is quite possible that biblical Abraham is actually hyksos general Apophis .
It really makes no difference if he was or not, one thing for sure is that he wasn’t who “they “ say he was, nor did he do what “they”(jews/Christians/muslims) claim he did.
From 1000(bce) down to 598(bce), when the Babylonian armies under the direction of nebuchanezzer demolished the city of Jerusalem, there were notable players who represented the hyksos-coalition fraud (david, Solomon, etc). the semitic Aryan-hyksos felt yet another set back when they were defeated and expelled from Jerusalem (a city in Palestine) by nebuchanezzer’s army. That expulsion signaled the formation of Zionism. Unable to regain the land by military force, the semitic Aryan-hyksos sought out to sell their fraudulent ‘survival’ story in an all-out effort to gain foreign support in their NEW claim of a Palestinian region of the Sinai peninsula territory that they had NEVER claimed before. Reason being, their ambition was always to re-enter Kemet(Egypt) . when that became a long-shot they tried to claim the last territory where their majority masses ended up (Sinai peninsula). Their real two millennium goal, up to that point, was to recruit foreign assistance, RE-ENTER KEMET, and live ‘lazy’ off what they considered to be Kemet’s riches. But they now considered that a lost cause being that Persia who now occupied Palestine(539) under cambysses, had also, shortly after that occupancy, invaded and conquered Kemet. The Semitic Aryan-hyksos allies as being distrustful people because of the way they hid their ‘other’ agenda from the rest of the hyksos coalition during the 1783(bce) coalition invasion of Kemet. The semitic Aryan-hyksos (Israelites) was gradually gaining a reputation among the descendants of their former euro-asian hyksos allies as being distrustful people because of the way they hid their ‘other’ agenda from the rest of the hyksos-coalition during the 1783 (bce) coalition invasion of Kemet. The semitic Aryan-hyksos (Israelites) then, without merit or justification designated the territory that they had previously occupied in the Sinai peninsula theirs. RE-naming it ‘juda’, after jacob’s son ‘judah’. And it was that lie that ultimately laid the foundation for Judaism. From outside’ the territory of juda, the semitic Aryan –hyksos (Israelites) classified themselves as “ Hebraic tribe of Judah.”
Now they were set. A ‘new’ identity: Hebrews/Hebrew Israelites/jews. Their fraudulent survival story was called “the torah or pentateuch’ (or the first five books of the bible): genesis, exodus, Leviticus, numbers, Deuteronomy
In summary: the jews, proclaiming to be ‘children of ‘god’, the truth is, they are the actual semitic Aryan-hyksos whose lineage, origin, and legacy begins and ends with criminality, barbarism and deceit. It is important to dissect the lies told by the semitic Aryan-hyksos (Israelites) in the Pentateuch (old testament)
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