Remember these 'Christafari' idiots? Just found out they made a lil stop in my country to spread confusion. Apparently they are welcome there although Capleton, Bounty Killa and Movado are banned (and regardless what you think of extreme homophobic lyrics, of which I am not a fan, that is NOT the real reason they are banned... the real reason is cos Bounty duz sing this song hey: DOWN IN THE GHETTO WHERE THE POOR NUH HAVE A TING, AND DE POLITICIANS IS DE GUNS DEM A BRING, AND DE CRACK AND DE COKE IT A SUPPORT DE KILLING, ME CHECK IT OUT DE WHOLE A DEM A DE SAME TING... that is really why Bounty is banned from Guyana the East Indian supremacist narco-state that it is.
PS East Indian supremacists are like white supremacists with darker skin. There are also good and decent East Indian Guyanese; I am not talking about them.
Hey Congo Nyah are y'all out there somewhere? Next time fools like this come to GT y'all should go out there with yuh binghi drums and drown them out... overwhelm them with word sound and power mek dem get heart attack and rush outta GT to some yankee cardiac ward...
Anyway, check out the Christafari crew in all their idiotic glory: