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ORestablish,maintain,expand,refine WHITE SUPREMACY

peace and hotep,

'if you do not understand white supremacy(racism)------what it is, and how it works-------everything else that you understand, will only confuse you.' ...neely fuller jr.

according to neely fuller jr., there 3 types of people in the known universe:

1. white people
2. non-white people
3. white supremacists (racist)


1. 'white' people are people who classify themselves as 'white', and have been classified as 'white', and who generally function as 'white' in all of the nine major areas of activity, including economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex, and war.

2. non'white' people are people who have been classified as non'white', and/or who generally function as non'white' in their relationships withe each other, and withe people classified as 'white', in all of the nine major areas of activity, including economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex, and war.

3. white supremacists(racists) are people who classify themselves as 'white', and who generally function as 'white', and, who practice racial subjugation (based on 'white'-non'white' classifications) against people classified as non'white', at any time, in any place, in any one, or more of the nine major areas of activity, including economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex and war.

two basic problems among the people of the known universe:

1. lack of knowledge and understanding of the reason for existence, and/or for non-existence.

2. racism (white supremacy).


every 'problem'among the people of the known universe can, today, be traced to:

1. a lack of knowledge and understanding of the reason for existence and/or non-existence, compounded by and promoted by

2. the practice of racism(white supremacy).

this is true in all areas of activity among people, including economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex, and war.

two basic "classes" of people in the know universe:

1. the powerful 'class'(white supremacist)

2. the powerless 'class'( all non-white people, AND those white people who are not white supremacists)


since the establishment of white supremacy(racism)among the people of the known universe, the terms 'upper class', have become so meaningless that to use such terms to describe any people does not promote justice, but serves only to promote great confusion.

it is therefore best not to use such terms to describe any people now in existence int the known universe.

under white supremacy, and/or, as long as white supremacy exists, the best and most accurate way to describe people by using the category of 'class' is to describe their power relationship to each other,

by so doing, all white people who practice white supremacy(racism) must be recognised as the only people in the known universe who are the 'powerful class".

all non-white people, being subject to the 'powerful class' are, therefore, the 'powerless class'.

in addition, those white persons who do not practice white supremacy are also the 'powerless class'. thes white people who do not practice white supremacy are not subject to the white supremacists ('the powerful class'). the fact that no white person is subject to white supremacy(racism) greatly confuses many non-white people. THE FACT THAT NO WHITE PERSON IS SUBJECT TO WHITE SUPREMACY(RACISM) GREATLY CONFUSES MANY NON-WHITE PEOPLE.

no white person is subject to white supremacy. it is possible, however, for a white person to be 'powerless' to do anything that is effective against the practice of white supremacy. some examples of such persons are white people who are 'infantile', and/or, who are so 'senile' in mind and body that they are completely dependent on others for all of their care, and are completely incapable' of doing harm to others.

since all of the white people who practice white supremacy are 'the powerful class', it generally serves no useful purpose for a non-white person to worry about which individual white person is 'more powerful' than another within that class. a white supremacist is a white supremacist(powerful person).

how one white supremacist relates to another white supremacist at any particular monent should be of no major concern to a non-white person, since all white supremacists are committed to the practice of racism (white supremacy).

in any event, the white supremacists, are 'smarter' than many other white supremacists, will, in all matters involving the maintenance of white supremacy, give effective support to those who are 'not so smart'.


also, the very existence of white supremacy(racism) automatically eliminates the possibility of any non-white person being so-called 'upper-class' or 'middle-class'. how can they be? if they are 'upper-class', or 'midddle class', 'upper' or 'middle' of what----as compared to what? as compared to who? certainly not white people, and definitely not white supremacist.

though all non-white people are functional 'lower-class'---meaning they are all 'lower' in comparison to the white people of the known univer---it is better not to say that they are 'lower-class'. to do so would be to promote questions regarding the confusing terms 'upper-class' or 'middle-class'. therefore, in referring to the 'class' status of all non-white people, it is better to that they ar 'the powerless class'.

as long as white supremacy exists, it is incorrect for any non-white person to pretend that he or she is any 'class' or person other than 'the powerless class'.

four basic stages of racism (white racism)

1. establishment of -- (white supremacy)

2. maintainance of -- (white supremacy)

3. expansion of -- (white supremacy)

4. refinement of -- (white supremacy)


*the establishment of white supremacy =
the sum total of all speech and/or action, by those white persons who seek to dominate (through the practice of racism) those persons 'classified' as non'white'.

*the maintenance of white supremacy =
the sum total of all speech and/or action, by those white persons who practice racism (white supremacy), and who seek to continue the practice of racism, at all times, in on or more areas of activity.

* the expansion of white supremacy =
the sum total of all speech and/or action by those white persons who practice racism (white supremacy), and who do so in a manner that directly, or indirectly, helps to promote an increase in the number of non-white persons made subject to racism (white supremacy).

*the refinement of white supremacy =
the sumtotal of all speech, and/or action, by those white persons who practice racism (white supremacy) in a manner that improves the methods that help make the practice of racism more efficient, and/or, more 'acceptable' to the victims.

-what is meant by 'establishing white supremacy'?

the term 'establishment of' white supremacy mean to make white supremacy a reality.

at some point in the past, an effective number of persons classified as 'white' began promoting the idea of dominating all of the 'non-white' people of the know universe, entirely on the basis of 'color' and/or factors 'associated with' color.

these persons developed ways and means of establishing the domination through trial and error, based primarily, on the use of deceit and violence. the skillful use of these methods proved to be totally effective in dominating all of the non-white people of the known universe, in all of the nine major areas of (people) activity, including economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex and war.

each individual white person who supported the concept of white supremacy, contributed that support in some form of direct or indirect speech and/or action, that resulted in non-white people, being subordinated to white people, on the basis of 'color' and/or factors 'associated' with color.

this 'color code' of thought, speech, and action, by individual white persons, resulted in a pattern of ('racist') thought, speech, and action by an effective number of white people, which, in turn, resulted in what can now be correctly called 'white supremacy'.

since white supremacy (racism) came into existence through a 'process', evolving through the thought, speech, and action of white persons as individual persons, there is no known 'code' of white supremacy that can be formally recognized as such in a single 'set' of words or pictures.

the basic 'code' of white supremacy is the total pattern of everyday thought, speech, and action of the individual white persons who practice it.

thus, everything that each white person says or does, that helps to promote white supremacy (racism) is all a part of the 'white code' and all parts of the 'white code' is for the purpose of maintaining white supremacy.

-what is meant by 'maintaining' white supremacy?

the term 'maintenance of' white supremacy means to keep white supremacy a reality.

the people who practice white supremacy (racism) do so by constantly thinking, speaking, and/or acting in a manner that directly, or indirectly, keeps all of the non-white people of the known universe subjugated on the basis of color, at all times, in all places, in all areas of activity, including economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex and war.

[note: white supremacy (racism), in order to be correctly called 'white supremacy', is and must be practiced against all of the people of the known universe classified as 'non-white'. this includes forms of white supremacy that are practiced both directly and indirectly.

it is not necessary for white supremacists to be within sight of, and/or to be in 'direct contact' with, non-white persons, in order for those white supremacist to maintain white supremacy].

-what is meant by 'expanding' white supremacy?

the term 'expansion of' white supremacy means to increase the number of people who are subject to white supremacy.
since the establishment of white supremacy, the white supremacist have expanded and/or added strength to their power by acting to make sure that all 'non-white' persons born into the known universe are mad subject to the will of the white supremacists at all times, in all places, in all areas of activity.

in a world socio-material system dominated by white supremacists (racists), each and every non-white person born into the known universe, immediately becomes a victim of, and a subject to, the system of white supremacy. this happens automatically--- the reason being that racist, and racist woman, are the direct, and/or indirect, functional masters of all of the non-white people in the known universe, in all areas of activity.

the expansion of white supremacy also means that the longer white supremacy is maintained, the greater effect it has on the thinking of the non-white people. thus, if the thinking of the non-white people is dominated by persons who practice white whpremacy, and these thoughts cause non-white people to function in greater support of white supremacy, the effects of white supremacy are 'expanded'.

-what is meant by 'refining' white supremacy?

the term 'refinement of' white supremacy means to improve the methods of maintaining white supremacy.

this means that the white supremacists (racists) strive to decrease the necessity for using direct violence and /or the threat of direct violence against non-white people. they, instead, strive to increase the use of DECEIT as the basic means of causing thir victims to 'enjoy', and/or not resist, their subjection to white supremacy.

the refinement stage of white supremacy is the 'ideal' stage of racial subjugation to those white supremacists who strive to produce it. they prefer a condition in which their victims willfully support being the subjects of the white supremacists as they become accustomed to believing that this is the best possible arrangement between white and non-white people.

the white supremacists (racists) promote the refinement of white supremacy by speaking and/or acting in a manner that makes the practice f white supremacy more acceptable and/or more 'appealing ' to the victims.

[note: white supremacy (racism) is a non-just and incorrect socio-material practice--nomatter how it is practiced, and no matter how appealing or acceptable it may be to it's victims].

the refinement stage of white supremacy is generally promoted through the systematic use of falsehood and/or 'flatter'.
sometimes the flattery takes the form of material objects distributed among the non-white peopl of the know universe to used as so-called 'status' symbols.

the refinement stage of white supremacy includes speech and/or action by white supremacists that appears to be against white supremacy, but in truth, is only the promotion of white supremacy in a different and/or more deceitful form.

-----neely fuller jr


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ORestablish,maintain,expand,refine WHITE SUPREMACY

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