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Rastafari Speaks

Re: you just said it yourself...

*******I sight that everything has a first cause.*******

ABSOLUTELY, but this first cause is NOT superior to second causes or third causes.

FIRST does not mean better or superior. That is human folly. Otherwise, humans dilute and debilitate themselves every generation with that thoughtset.

*******Did this first cause give way to what we call Ma'at? As you state with the theory of opposites, Ma'at is based on duality and not singularity.******

NO...look carefully...Ma'at is only identified by us as duality because of the polar extremities that produce reality. In other words, DUALITY is really singularity manifested. So Ma'at is that first cause manifested (in action).

Ma'at (zero) created reality (affirmed opposites). Hence Ma'at affirmed itself. That is why we have the story of Ptah masturbating or self-empregnating.

BIG BANG is code-word for Zero (the beginning) affirming itself by expanding BUT still remaining at NET ZERO.

Zero and +10,000 are the same. Why, because +10,000 is affirmed by -10,000 which cancels it (balances it) to Zero.

To add, this is what they call "alpha and omega". That was learned in the temples that explained how we come from zero and return to zero...circles.

Remember my premise that EVERYTHING is circular?

******Is first cause/primordiality a hierarchal construct? *******

NO. I do not sight hierarchy ANYWHERE but in the minds of humans. I sight a wave: a crest and a trough that in their NET VALUE equals zero.

Why not just give me an example of something that is above everything else so that we can get to the nitty-gritty??? Once I get my edification, I will retract my premise and shut up about the matter.

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Re: (Noble Ras Heru): The SAMENESS of the "BIG 3"
dere ain't no hierarchy, dagnabit!!!!!!!!!!
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you just said it yourself...
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Re: you just said it yourself...
Re: you just said it yourself...
Well said Selassielive *LINK*
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Just as an FYI...
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