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AfricaSpeaksRastafariSpeaksCheik Anta Diop

Rastafari Speaks

Re: Churches denounce African children as "witches *LINK*

This terrible situation of children being denounced by witches is actually being caused and created by PASTORS of the the evangelical and Pentecostal CHRISTIAN churches in Nigeria etc..

In a follow up to the documentary by Channel 4 television in the UK that showed the other week, (that I think, first brought the topic to the wider world), it was made clear this is being done by so-called CHRISTIAN Pastors, not by traditional spiritual practictioners.

It is the result of mixed up, confused religious beliefs. Mixing up extreme evangelical fundementalism with some traditional spiritual ideas.

It is clearly the result of Western religious beliefs, particularly in this case, Evangelical Christianity, that has been swamped Nigeria and grown in popularity in Nigeria in the last 20 or so years.
The results of an outside, Western culture forced onto and already strong spiritual culture, and the mix up and confused result.

The woman pastor of one of the massive churches in Nigeria who has been accused of stirring up so much of this, makes lots of popular Evangelical films inckuding a big hit which depicted children who are posessed terrorising their families and neighbours.

The belief is spread that ANYTHING bad that happens to you is caused BY someone else, ie. a witch child bringing you bad luck or ill.

They have now passed a law that anyone accusing any child of being a witch is liable to be imprisoned and there is a counter advertising by Govt etc.. to dispel these things.

I have included a link to the more recent update Documentary below "Return to Africa's Witch Children".

Love and Bless

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Churches denounce African children as "witches" *LINK*
Re: Churches denounce African children as "witches
The importance of African traditional religion
Re: Churches denounce African children as "witches *LINK*
Re: Churches denounce African children as "witches *LINK*
Re: Churches denounce African children as "witches
Re: Churches denounce African children as "witches

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