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AfricaSpeaksRastafariSpeaksCheik Anta Diop

Rastafari Speaks

“Hooked on Phoenics”
In Response To: Re: The Islamized African ()

Does anyone know or can explain the difference between a Pnt (Puntian), a Bnt (Bantu) or a Phnt (Phoenician)?

Chancellor Williams also noted the differences in his treatment from all-black, African controlled states and those controlled by Semites and Whites: They include Ethiopia formerly Abyssinia, Sudan, Rhodesia and South Africa; I reproduced here his comments on the states controlled by the Semites:

“In concluding my remarks on field studies in Africa, some comments of four of the countries visited are in order. In Sudan the authorities did not want me to work in or even visit the all-black southern provinces. Their fifteen years rebellion against the “Arab” North had caused the whole vast area to be officially “sensitive,” and therefore, barred to outsiders. The suggestion was that I confine my studies to the Northern Sudan. This I refused because I had been previously assured that the rebellion had been “completely crushed,” and that “peace and quiet” prevailed everywhere. Besides, I could only find Islamic institutions in the North- institutions, of which I already had full knowledge from years of special study and teaching. As indicated above, the American embassy in Khartoum did none of the preparatory work about which I give the other U.S. African embassies so much praise, although it had six months’ notice before my arrival. And they maintained a strictly hands-off policy after my arrival. I, therefore, prepared to leave at once, but announced that I did not beg to study anywhere, and that the world would learn, that this was the only “African state” where an African scholar was barred. The Ministry of the Interior reacted swiftly. Not only was permission quickly granted to do field work in the South, but all the necessary arrangements were made with dispatch. This included establishing my southern headquarters at Malakal.”

Ethiopia (the new name for Abyssinia), like the Republic of the Sudan, is also ruled by people of mixed blood who not only do not consider themselves African by race, but who maintain a privileged class society based upon color. To them, all black-skinned Africans are “Bantu.” To these they feel superior by reason of “white blood,” and their discriminatory practices are just as subtle and real as those of the whites. And, although the enslavement of black-skinned Africans continues in both countries even in our times, both the Sudan and the new Ethiopia have adopted the “Brotherhood Front” since the sudden rise of so many independent African states. This enables the Sudan to serve as “bridge” between the Arab world and the new black states, and thus control or influence their international policies through the United Nations; and Ethiopia is able to control, more directly, or influence Black Africa through Western backing in establishing the headquarters of the Organization of African Unity in Addis Ababa and pushing Haile Selassie into the key role of continent-wide leadership, thus blocking the “dangerous” influence of Kwame Nkrumah.

Messages In This Thread

The return of Biafra? *LINK*
The Islamized African *LINK*
how do we help the muslim world heal itself?
Isn't colonialism wonderful?
well this rumba and konpa is pretty tight
Re: well this rumba and konpa is pretty tight
Re: well this rumba and konpa is pretty tight
Re: wow
thank you
Re: The Islamized African
“Hooked on Phoenics”
Re: “Hooked on Phoenics” *LINK*

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