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Some further words are needed then in english, the invaders language.
The "conspiracy plot theory" has been longtime outed so is no longer a "theory" it is established fact.
The fact that it has been outed means they the conquerors invaders and thieves can blantantly do as they please..for a time at least..which includes monitoring such forums as this.
I wasn't implying that you were apart of that monitoring imperialistic system but you are obviously misguided into the pervading nature of said system. For example you are unable to recognise their mode of speech which permeates this Link.
I have never said I was american. It is the AFICAN exodus, the diaspora, the inhabiting the whole of the earth as first peoples, the rightful owners against the euoropean invaders that is my "BEEF"...a uniting front, a fight to the end, the truth, in this continuing warfare for native title rights of Native Peoples to their land, for the right of all of Africa to be owned and governed by Africans, repatriation of all Africans of the diaspora..you know what I am talking about.
Proud to be African indeed but American?
Peace, Judah
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