Yet with all their intelligence they could'nt even find one little man hiding out in Afghanistan but yet one reporter with a camera can sneak around 'Afghanistan' and find Osama,himself,in a cave and record a message of him saying that there will be more killings,bla bla bla(a basic admission of guilt and involvement in 9/11)...BUT...the fact that this footage of Osama has been proven as totally fake and staged seems to elude most people.
Some of the best air pilots and air space technicians have said that the type of manuveurs being pulled off in those 'hijacked' planes were phenomenal and could not be pulled off by some of the most advanced pilots,but yet those moslem boys pulled it off with just a few weeks training(lol).Damn they train those terrorists real good.
I guess if military intelligence says that the enemy is here,then,well they must be...NOT.Secret service and counter intelligency CIA,NORAD bla bla bla...they would never lie to you???
George Bush would never lie to you???O.k Rastaman,I'm with the 'terrorists' then.I love white people and their clever honest ways,they told me so,so....
Damn,Lee Harvey Oswald,damn he was crack shot,his fire arm did special things that day.Lucky I beleive white people are smart enough to give me the 'official story' so I can be so well informed.They're not dodgey enough to lie about anything...right...NOT.
Yes,Iam a conspiracy nut.Oh yes looooneeey loooneeey tuuuney according to the 'officialdom' with their logical normal stories that of course,dont question the main stream thinking.
I just hope Obama can find Osama...NOT...maybe in Pakistan next.Keep me updated about what your honest government official has to say about this Rastaman...
Respect for you beleiving what you do so strongly,but I am not convinced.More Life
Haile King Selassie I Empress Menin