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Rastafari Speaks

Re: The Church of Haile Selassie I

Greetings Sis

"No sir, he never said that. What he said, is that he was not emanated from a diety. Well neither was Yashua ben Yoseph and Miriam. Emanate means that you pop up into existence all by yourself. Yashua, and Selassie I both had parents."

Emanate means: To issue forth from a source. Diety means: (noun) god; divine or supreme being.

Now, to put it together, HIM was saying that he was not issued forth from a divine, supreme source.

"Selassie I is the return of the Christ. Christ taught us how to pray by starting off with "our father". Christ was not speaking to himself. He was speaking to his father in heaven. However Christ was the manifestation of JAH on earth, as well as was Selassie I. Yet both men told us to pray to GOD/JAH. I overstand the vision of Rastafari, and I thank JAH for comming in the fullness of this wisdom."

"Christ" comes from the Greek "Kristos" and the earlier Kemetic "KRST". The KRST was a person who was annointed by the fat of a crocodile, which had some kind of annointing power in the eyes of the Kemetic people. Crocodile blood today is known to have healing/dis-ease fighting properties. Some medical doctors think it can cure HIV. But that is for another reasoning.

Through time, the actual became the symbolic. The KRST is a state of consciousness and is not limited to Yeshua nor Haile Selassie I. Yeshua even taught InI to look within oneself for the true and living. I dont know if you read any apocryphal or pseudipigrapha scripts or not. Their were 24 gospels during the time of Yeshua. Only 4 were chosen by priests and rabbis. They were selective (with an agenda) in which books were chosen and which were not. We cant dismiss the influence of the religious people at that time. Yet again, this is for another reasoning.

"Perhaps you misunderstand I. When I say a central government, I am speaking of an organized religion. I am not speaking in terms of politics and elections such as Barack Obama. A simple probelm."

Central goverment = organized religion? You said church and state were seperate. Are you referring to a theocratic rule?

"Ofcourse it goes beyond my Rastafari people. However that is not the point of this reasoning. We are not talking about ethnical protection, but religious protection. This is about the right to be a Rasta, and not be discriminated against in the work place and at schools for InI young Idren."

I am more concerned with the persecution of Afrikan people, which I am part of. InI are Afrikan before we are Rastafari IMO.

"And as far as the whole white Rasta thing me, if a white man walked into school looking like Bob Marley with thick dreads running down his back with a thich beard to match, then he too would not be allowed in. Nor would he be hired to work for a job grossing over 30K a year. And you know that is the truth. Yet a WHITE MUSLIM can come to work in full garb, and get that job. C'mon my brother."

The same so-called white Rasta can go home and shave and put on a suit and apply for that same job and get it. And you know that is the truth! However, a black Rastafari person can shave and put on a suit but can never remove their melanin from their skin.

You must not be aware of the xenophobia that exist in the west toward orthodox muslim looking people. Especially post 911. You dont have Rastafari people setting car bombs and killing white american people, therefore, they are not part of "the axis of evil." I dont know of any Rastafari people who were housed in Guantanamo. Do you?

"Once again you have the I misunderstood. I am not talking about the school administration teaching religion in public schools. What I am saying, is that there is not one black muslim that will be turned down from entrance to a public school, or will be threatened with the fear of being fired if one find's out that you are a Rasta."

Well I dont know of any Rastafari person who has been refused entry in a PUBLIC school in the U.S because he was a Rastafari person. Enlighten I please.

"Once again you are going off topic. Let InI remain focus on the issue at hand. However no Saudi will be thrown out of a American PUBLIC school for being a Saudi, or a Muslim."

The Saudi school I referred to is not a PUBLIC school. It is a private school that is funded by the Saudi Govt. Therefore, they are not bounded by federal guidelines because they are not receiving any funds for the U.S govt. If anything, the U.S is receiving money from them.


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Re: The Church of Haile Selassie I
Re: The Church of Haile Selassie I
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Re: The Church of Haile Selassie I
Re: The Church of Haile Selassie I
Re: The Church of Haile Selassie I
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Re: The Church of Haile Selassie I
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