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Re: a youth withe no time for games?

before I respond I'm just going to list di irrelevant vibes...and each time u bring more a dem vibes, i'm just going to list it...

-"are finding solutions to problems and not planting flowers on their head"

-"i hope that you recognize the truth when you stubble across it"
-"can a yute address issues for 'men'? grow up and put away your shield of youth. "
-"you can aspire to raise hell too. it is a great game. but really i can't differentiate between you and frequently appearing 'white' boys. "

my response:
people are aware of starvation...but they will feel it more when they or have loved ones in starvation...and when u feel it more, naturaly u will be more involved in eradicating starvation...yes people are aware of the ism's and the discriminations, but distantly...

if u decide to go an sell drugs an make a living...racisms or discrimination means squat to u...reparations...please...and why utes do that...because they look on the corporate world, as something not for them...even if they want to be a lawyer, doctor, movie director, journalist...with excuses like...too much years...can't afford tuitions etc...but if u realy want it ur going to realize these things are set for to do otherwise...factory work, or sell drugs...and if u realy want it, ur going do something about it...pressure who fi get pressure...

and there are many more examples...look around

where not aiming high enough...too much a we a sekkle for the alternative...
yow...u don't have to take it from me...look for urself...look pon di the "Black Mans Redemption..."

"why would you think that ini is not doing better? "

now this question, shows me, before u even read what I had to say u mek up u mind fi disagree...

yow, Boss...let me ask u question...can things be more better than it is now for all of INI?

if yes...then it simply means, some or all of INI is not doing the better...simple...

if no...then there is no sense for a Redemption...or justice...

why u a fight it...?...speak up

and the formula for the Black Mans Redemption...is the same for the Native Indians...from North/South America to Austrailia...and that formula is to aim high...coz when u aim high, u will see it necessary NOW to fight for that everlasting peace...




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a youth withe no time for games?
Re: a youth withe no time for games?
Re: a youth withe no time for games?
Re: a youth withe no time for games?
Re: a youth withe no time for games?
Re: a youth withe no time for games?
Re: a youth withe no time for games?
Re: "Black Mans Redemption"
Re: "Black Mans Redemption"
Re: "Black Mans Redemption"
Re: "Black Mans Redemption"
Re: "Black Mans Redemption"
Re: "Black Mans Redemption"
Re: "Black Mans Redemption"
Re: "Black Mans Redemption"
Re: "Black Mans Redemption"

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