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"Then They Came For The Children"

South Africa rediscovers 'struggle art'
This week, South Africa marks a decade since the nation embraced democratic rule and said goodbye to apartheid. As in any struggle for freedom, art and music contributed to creating a sense of solidarity. Ironically, much of the work produced by black artists during the turbulent days of apartheid has never been seen by their countrymen. The white government deemed the works, which were called "struggle art", to be too political. As a result, many of the finest examples were taken out of the country by diplomats and collectors during the 1970s and '80s. Among them were two Australian diplomats who, as well as returning their own collections to South Africa, have played a key role in the mission to retrieve other lost works from around the world. This report from Africa correspondent Zoe Daniel.

Ho Chi Minh Still a Giant in Vietnam

Duped by Bush: the Persistent Vegetative State of America
Slowly, like a person emerging from a coma, around fifty percent of the American people are dimly realizing their president is a pathological liar. Most, however, have not gleaned the whole truth and nothing but the truth-Bush is not only a pathological liar, he is also a mean-spirited sociopath, a warmonger and former executioner (who gleefully mocked the condemned), and has contempt for most people, that is to say the vast majority of Americans who are not his "base," in other words the stinking rich plutocrats who believe they have the right to steal at gunpoint (or cruise missile or bunker buster point).

They Were Young Once, and Fit
Well, I've looked at heaps and piles of facts about what the deranged leaders of this nation are willing to do to the men and women who wear the US military uniform, and I've come to two conclusions. This country's most expendable commodity is its children and, with few exceptions, Americans appear to be both senseless and blind.

Then They Came For The Children
They've vanished into the netherworld of a Homeland Security gulag and their story has already disappeared from the headlines, but the shocking case of two 16-year-old girls from New York City arrested a month ago ought to inspire outrage among every American worthy of the name. Since the government's reasons for the girls' imprisonment could apply to virtually any teenager, it should also spark fear.

Italy Furious as Report Is Said to Clear GIs on Agent
Tensions between the United States and Italy surged on Tuesday as Italian opposition politicians and citizens reacted furiously to leaked reports in the Italian media that a joint investigation into the shooting death of an Italian agent in Baghdad would absolve U.S. soldiers of guilt in the incident.

Giuliana Sgrena Blasts U.S. Cover Up,
Calls for U.S. and Italy to Leave Iraq

In her most extended interview to date in the U.S., Italian journalist Giuliana Sgrena blasts a Pentagon report that clears the U.S. soldiers who opened fire on her car, wounding her and killing one of Italy's highest ranking intelligence officials. Sgrena says, "It is important that the Americans press their government to tell the truth. Because it is in the interest of Americans, the truth. Not only of Italians."

Gene Study Puts Indians on Guard
Scientists involved in the Genographic Project will go in search of the genes of indigenous communities worldwide in a bid to decipher the puzzle of how ancient peoples were disseminated around the planet. But their task will not be easy amidst suspicious Latin American Indians.

Private Firm to Investigate AIDS Charges Against City

Africa Union agrees to a more robust force in Darfur

Zim to Host 16 Countries At Economic Partnership Forum
ZIMBABWE will this week host 16 countries at the Eastern and Southern African Economic Partnership Agreements Negotiating Forum with the European Union.

China And 'An Africa That Can Say No'
CHINA'S renewed engagement with Africa, coming as it has on the heels of years of global neglect of the continent, has been welcomed enthusiastically in capitals across Africa.

Comesa Targets China in Enhancing Investment
THE Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) has identified China as a new lucrative destination for its expansion programmes in enhancing trade and attracting investment.

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