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    Women: Black Women and HIV/AIDS
    By Ayanna, rootswomen.com/ayanna
    December 01, 2006

    Women are at the highest risk for contraction of the HIV virus. Current statistics for Trinidad and Tobago state that the number of female HIV positive cases in the age group of 15–29, make up 65% of the total cases for the same age group. These statistics lead us to many questions and inevitably should draw greater attention to issues of gender discrimination, racism and poverty. With millions of dollars being pumped into HIV research internationally and great media exposure in Trinidad and Tobago, it is equally important to examine the values that exist and fuel the spread of the disease in its most vulnerable group, African women.

    There are several biological and sociological issues that cause women to be at greater risk. The biological make up of male and female genitalia makes it easier for bacteria to be transmitted and stored in the genitalia of a woman rather than that of a man. As a result, there is a greater risk of women contracting the virus from their male counterparts, rather than men contracting the disease from women. Simply put, biologically, women are more prone to HIV contraction.

    (Read More... | Women | Score: 5)

    World Focus: The Council on Foreign Relations Does AIDS
    by Ed Krales

    In July, 2005, on the fifth anniversary of the U.N. Security Council resolution addressing the threat HIV/AIDS poses to the security of nations, the Council on Foreign Relations published Laurie Garrett's study entitled "HIV and National Security: Where Are the Links?"

    Garrett, "Senior Fellow for Global Health" at the CFR, addresses problems not usually considered by HIV/AIDS workers and policy makers. Some of the topics she deals with are how the Black Death changed the political and social structure of Europe; the role of armed forces and UN peacekeepers in spreading HIV; how states are destabilized and the effect their instability has on the rest of the world; and Bush's "President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief". There is much technical information in the report but also many omissions and inaccurate assumptions.

    Garrett outlines ideas on how to fight AIDS, minimizing the security threat faced by affected nations. Her prime concern is protecting police and the military from drug-resistant forms of the virus. Her secondary concern is tracking those people she considers responsible for spreading it.

    (Read More... | World Focus | Score: 5)

    U.S.A.: The Gay Experiment That Started AIDS In America
    By Alan Cantwell, M.D

    There is no doubt that AIDS erupted in the U.S. shortly after government-sponsored hepatitis B vaccine experiments (1978-1981) using gay men as guinea pigs. The epidemic was caused by the "introduction" of a new retrovirus (the human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV for short); and the introduction of a new herpes-8 virus, the virus that causes Kaposi's sarcoma, widely known as the "gay cancer" of AIDS. The taboo theory that AIDS is a man-made disease is largely based on research showing an intimate connection between government vaccine experiments and the outbreak of "the gay plague"

    The widely accepted theory is that HIV/AIDS originated in a monkey or chimpanzee virus that "jumped species" in Africa. However, it is clear that the first AIDS cases were recorded in gay men in Manhattan in 1979, a few years before the epidemic was first noticed in Africa in 1982. It is now claimed that the human herpes-8 virus (also called the KS virus), discovered in 1994, also originated when a primate herpes virus jumped species in Africa. How two African species-jumping viruses ended up exclusively in gay men in Manhattan beginning in the late 1970s has never been satisfactorily explained.

    (Read More... | U.S.A. | Score: 4.8)

    African Diaspora: Africa - Treating Poverty with Toxic Drugs
    by Liam Scheff, June 4, 2003
    Reproduced for Fair Use Only From:

    "As to diseases, make a habit of two things-to help, or at least to do no harm."

    -Hippocrates, 5th Century B.C.E. Greek Physician, regarded as the father of medicine.
    According to the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNAIDS, 42 million people around the world are infected with HIV, and nearly 22 million people in Africa have died of AIDS. But AIDS isn't a single disease; it's a collection of diseases. When people are said to die of AIDS, they're known to die of a particular disease or condition, such as pneumonia, tuberculosis, malaria or basic malnutrition. AIDS researchers claim that HIV plays a role in the development of these illnesses, but in spite of this claim, 20 years of AIDS research has failed to prove causation between HIV infection and any so-called AIDS disease (as explored in "The AIDS Debate" parts one and two). So why do we call them AIDS deaths?

    (Read More... | African Diaspora | Score: 4.33)

    World Focus: The Origin of AIDS: an Ethical Inquiry
    By Edwin Krales

    New York City

    Whenever the question arises about the origin of AIDS, two positions are usually staked out. One is that AIDS was invented in a laboratory by a group of Western scientists in order to kill black people and gays. The other position is that it was an unexpected development, completely out of anyone's control, not intended to harm any group in particular. In the February/March edition of POZ, an HIV/AIDS magazine published in the U.S., Lucile Scott wrote that Nobel Peace Prize winner and Kenyan ecologist Wangari Maathai said that "AIDS is a tool to control [Africans and black people] designed by some evil-minded scientists." Because of the way her comment was presented, it was clear that POZ didn't share her view. POZ asked five people prominent in the AIDS field to comment on what she said. POZ did not say what criterion was used to pick the five.

    (Read More... | World Focus | Score: 5)

    World Focus: Blaming Gays, Blacks, and Chimps for AIDS
    Are species-jumping animal virus experiments responsible for the HIV Holocaust?

    By Alan Cantwell, Jr., M.D. - 2001

    Since the beginning of the AIDS epidemic there have been persistent rumors that the disease was man-made, and that HIV was deliberately "introduced" into the American gay and the African black populations as a germ warfare experiment. This so-called conspiracy theory was quickly squelched by virologists and molecular biolologists, who blamed primates in the African bush and human sexuality for the introduction and spread of HIV.

    In the fall of 1986 the Soviets shocked the world by claiming that HIV was secretly developed at Fort Detrick, the U.S. Army's biological warfare unit. Although the claim was dismissed as "infectious propaganda", Russian scientists had worked hand in hand with biological warfare scientists in the transfer of viruses and virus-infected tissue into various non-human primates (monkeys, apes, chimps) during the 1970s before AIDS appeared. With improved international relationships, the Russian accusation vanished.

    (Read More... | World Focus | Score: 4.53)

    African Diaspora: Debunking The Out Of Africa Origin Of HIV & AIDS
    The Greatest Conspiracy Story Ever Told

    By Alan Cantwell, M.D.
    January 01, 2005

    AIDS is now more than a quarter-century old. The disease has killed 20 million people worldwide, and it is estimated that 40 million more are infected with HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), the virus that causes AIDS.

    Ask your physician where AIDS came from and he or she will probably tell you the epidemic started when monkeys or chimps in the African bush transferred the AIDS virus (HIV) to a person while butchering primate meat for food or through an animal bite. For the first two decades of the epidemic the green monkey theory of AIDS was widely heralded in the major media, and was accepted without question by leading AIDS experts and educators. The theory was so universally popular (except in Africa) that it easily became fact in the minds of most people.

    (Read More... | African Diaspora | Score: 5)

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