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Britain has never faced up to the dark side of its imperial history
by Richard Drayton, The Guardian UK
Britain was the principal slaving nation of the modern world. In The Empire Pays Back, a documentary broadcast by Channel 4 on Monday, Robert Beckford called on the British to take stock of this past. Why, he asked, had Britain made no apology for African slavery, as it had done for the Irish potato famine? Why was there no substantial public monument of national contrition equivalent to Berlin's Holocaust Museum? Why, most crucially, was there no recognition of how wealth extracted from Africa and Africans made possible the vigour and prosperity of modern Britain? Was there not a case for Britain to pay reparations to the descendants of African slaves?
By Onochie A. Onuorah
In the beginning there was Afrocentricity. In fact the beginning was afrocentricity. We the people of African descent are a very spiritual people. Our roots go way beyond the biblical chronicles; over 100000 years before the existence of the founding ancestors of the varied nations of people on earth today. Every continent has vestiges of the affluent and dynamic civilizations that Africans have modeled, from as far North as Russia to the simmering heat of the Australian desert.
Now ... I find the need to address how the word civilization is a widely misused and misconstrued terminology. The commonly held notion that industrialized societies are civilized is just dead wrong and as it appears, it could be due to a contradictory definition giving in our dictionaries. The dictionary definition presents urban societies as a bona fide model of what a civilized society should be. I still do not understand how any urbanized society can be considered a civilization. To me it kind of defies logic. I have had the privilege to live a couple of years in a rural as well as an urban environment.
Introduction And Overview
(For the french language edition)
By Runoko Rashidi
"What became of the Black people of Sumer?' the traveler asked the old man, for ancient records show that the people of Sumer were Black. `What happened to them?' `Ah,' the old man sighed. `They lost their history, so they died…."
--A Sumer Legend
This Sumer legend we think is a fitting way to begin this Introduction to the latest collection of essays on the African presence in Asia for it speaks to the consequences that face us when we fail to document our history and refuse to tell our story. This Introduction and this book are part of the very much needed chronicle of the African presence in Asia. It is a story that must be told. Indeed, the story of the African presence in Asia is as fascinating as it is obscure. It is a story that begins, it would strongly appear, more than 100,000 years ago.
From: Zimbabwe Sunday Mirror
THE work of Edward Wilmot Blyden (1832-1912), that man of black consciousness advancement is universal, covering the entire race and the entire race problem. While Booker T. Washington seeks to promote the material advancement of the black man in the United States, and W.E. Burghart Du Bois his social enfranchisement amid surroundings and in an atmosphere uncongenial to racial development, Edward Wilmot Blyden sought for more than a quarter of a century to reveal everywhere the African unto himself; to fix attention upon original ideas and conceptions as to his place in the economy of the world; to point out to him his work as a race among the races of men; lastly and most important of all, to lead back unto self-respect.
African People Must Nourish Pan Africanization
Rastafari Speaks Message Board
By Patriot Warrior
Greetings Everyone!
I think this topic is about the most important, depictive, as it is, of the general tendencies of the different ways of thinking about -- (and approach to) -- important matters of Afrikan Unity, among BOTH Diaspora and Continental Afrikans. Though there is NOTHING negative about "argument" in such matters and in such a way (on this board, that is, but even elsewhere in the "real" world, concerning these issues!), it shows, nevertheless, how very divided we still are, in general, despite our common "slogans", beliefs and even "platitudes" sometimes. It shows that our way is either still long or is no way at all, but a dead-end street!!
Unity Is Strength, and everyone knows that.
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