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AfricaSpeaksRastafariSpeaksCheik Anta Diop

Rastafari Speaks

Is he Wrong?

Let anyone who can PROVE HIM WRONG, cast the first stone!

Orphans and Widows merely keep religious organizations in business; ALL Religions; but particularly Christianity because of its anti-nature tenets of monogamy.

In an Africa without RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS; it STILL takes a village...; A MAN still has to prove he can support and is worthy of a family (i.e. provide the dowry/cattle); and elders are automatically cared for because they're still revered and utilized for their wisdom.

Can anyone name a religion that satisfies those requirements?

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South Africa's Zuma draws flak for Christianity co *LINK*
Is he Wrong?
Re: South Africa's Zuma draws flak for Christianit

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