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Rastafari Speaks

The world according to Viagra *LINK*

Older fathers produce more autistic, schizophrenic and Down syndrome children

With increased longevity comes increased reproduction at later ages and research now shows clearly that men over the age of 34 have a higher likelihood of fathering a child with an autism or schizophrenia spectrum disorder or Down syndrome. It is well known that these brain disorders affect cognitive function, social and verbal skills, and emotional development.

According to A. Reichenberg at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York, as well as other researchers in the United States and Israel, older fathers' risk of producing an autistic child is as high as an older mother's risk of producing a Down syndrome (Trisomy 21) offspring. The offspring of fathers aged 15 to 29 had about a .06% risk of developing autism while offspring of fathers aged 50 or more was about .52%, almost ten times greater. These results control for maternal age and other potentially complicating factors.

In addition, fathers over the age of 45 have double the risk of producing a child with a schizophrenia spectrum disorder, according to the American Journal of Psychiatry (Brown et al., 159 [9]: 1528. 2002)

Further, although Down syndrome children have been associated with women over 35, fathers over the age of 40 produce twice as many Down syndrome offspring as do men under 40. This increase is greatest when the mother is also over 35. (Journal of Urology; Fisch, Harry et al., 2003)

The word "risk" is used here with a caveat. In Roanoke, several parents have expressed the sentiment that their developmentally delayed or altered offspring are the joy of their lives and they consider the children to be great blessings. These parents cherish their unique children and attribute them with providing the greatest opportunity for expanded consciousness, patience and understanding.

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