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AfricaSpeaksRastafariSpeaksCheik Anta Diop

Rastafari Speaks

the white race is the only RACE.

peace and hotep,

Noble Ras Heru.

when you state:

"We need to stop playing the vicitim, and empower ourselves.",

are ini 'playing the victim' or has ini been "victimized"?

if war is

Any unjust speech and/or action inflicted upon a person by another person and/or any speech and/or action that results in unjust harm against a person by another person.

then aren't ini......prisoners of war?:

All non-white people under the global system of White Supremacy/Racism.


All non-white people, at the present time, are being held hostage or in confinement by the White Supremacists/Racists via the system of White Supremacy/Racism.

The White Supremacists/Racists control all areas of people activity, Economics, Education, Entertainment, Labor, Law, Politics, Religion, Sex, War.

How do they hold non-white people in this great and vast prison? This is done through deceit and direct violence via words and deeds.

All non-white people are Victims of White Supremacy/Racism(Warfare).

Isn't this is ongoing 24/7/365.

Nobel Ras Heru, since power is concentrated in the hands of the smartest('vicious' but not "intelligent/wise") and most powerful people in the known universe (White Supremacist), is it possible for non-white people to seperate the White Organized Crime Family from their power over non-white people?

the people with the greatest ability to produce Justice and correctness do not have the will to produce Justice and correctness and the people with the greatest will to eliminate injustice and incorrectness do not have the abilility to eliminate injustice and incorrectness.

so how do the victims of the greatest known injustices ever known (produced by the Supremacy of White People in every area of activity, including Economics, Education, Entertainment, Labor, Law, Politics, Religion, Sex and War)..........convince those smart/vicious members of the White Organized Crime Family to produce Justice and correctness?

are there many or any non-white people who are able and willing to convince White Supremacist Racist to produce Justice and correctness?

White People determined that they are a RACE.
non-white people have been oppressed by that RACE.

3 types of people in the known universe:

1. people who classified themselves as white (white people).

2. people that white people say are not white.

3. the smartest and most powerful white people.........


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'Negro' Race Choice On Census Form Sparks Outrage *LINK*
Re: 'Negro' Race Choice On Census Form Sparks Outr
the white race is the only RACE.
Re: the white race is the only RACE. *LINK*
Re: 'Negro' Race Choice On Census Form Sparks Outr

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