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AfricaSpeaksRastafariSpeaksCheik Anta Diop

Rastafari Speaks

Re: Stop from selling Africans their own land

Greetings Bredrin,

Thanks for the reasoning - the way I sight it is this, in a perfect world the idea of "owning" land would not be necessary, if ones and ones had viable governments who could allocate land for periods of time to groups to develop/produce for the greater good - all would be well.

However, in the year 2009, I reflect on a tune by Wu-Tang Clan---C.R.E.A.M - Cash rules everything around me, not to mean that IanI are ruled by cash, but IanI realize that cash rules the world, and land ownership is the gateway to being able to produce for one's community. Uropeans are BUYIN up AFRICA. Im sure you see it in's serious, so until the situation change, Im trying to BUY some land before the whites snatch it all up.

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Re: Stop from selling Africans their own land
Re: Stop from selling Africans their own land
Re: Stop from selling Africans their own land

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