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Rastafari Speaks

Re: Venezuela to outlaw violent video games, toys

"Chavez's government stopped releasing complete annual murder figures in 2005 amid rising concerns. But last year, the Justice Ministry said homicides averaged 152 a week, or roughly 7,900 for the year. That's more than five times the murder rate in Texas, which has roughly the same population as Venezuela. "

Greetings Seshata
Venezuela has about 26 million people. 7,900 murders per years equals out to about 3,200 per capita.

Washington, DC has about 600,000 people with about 150 murders last year. That's about 4,000 murders per capita.

So the numbers are not that staggering in comparision.

Needless to say that it is too much.

Just trying to put things in perspective.

I agree that games like "Grande theft auto" need to be taken off the shelves.

But the capitalistic nature of the US would not dare do that.


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Venezuela to outlaw violent video games, toys
Re: Venezuela to outlaw violent video games, toys

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