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AfricaSpeaksRastafariSpeaksCheik Anta Diop

Rastafari Speaks


Sam confronts Daphne and she explains to him that Maryann is a Maenad, an immortal creature from ancient Greece that is a follower of Dionysus, the Greek god of wine and revelry. They have immense power and Daphne likens her to both God and Satan.Arlene admits that she blacked out too, which causes Tara to become suspicious of Maryann. Andy tries to confront Terry at Merlotte's, raving about "devil-worshipers" and "devil-zombies" who turned Bon Temps into an "orgy from hell", but Sam is the only one who knows he is telling the truth.

Tara and Eggs awake badly-bruised and discuss blacking out again the night before. Maryann tells them the importance of losing control and the necessity for chaos to be closer to their god.

Sophie-Ann finally reveals to Bill that Maryann is waiting for her god to come and bring her “true death” and that Maryann can be killed only after she thinks her god has come for her.

In the season two finale, the mayhem in Bon Temps reaches a fever pitch as Maryann prepares for her ultimate bestial sacrifice.......

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