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Rastafari Speaks

Some Thoughts....

Greetings everyone,
Haven’t posted in a while; hope everyone is in good health.

To get straight to it, I’m upset. Today read news of a disturbing cartoon (as if the sh*ts funny!!) printed in the New York Post of Obama caricatured as a monkey murdered by police officers. The punch-line then read something on the lines of ‘Guess they’re gonna have to find another MONKEY to write the stimulus bill.”

No lie idren; I’m really getting really tired of the ‘Social Experiments.” Not so much that they do them, (Babylon does what Babylon does) but that people fall for it EXACTLY how they want them to EVERYTIME without FAIL!!!

Bush Ignorance = 9/11 + Financial/Environmental/Educational collapse
Obama Ignorance (or Indifference) = worldwide mental slavery

The equation is incalculable.

Wisdom+ strength

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Some Thoughts....
nice to hear from you *NM*
Fox News "war games" the coming civil war *LINK*

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