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nature/choice and absolute/relative: Truth-math

peace and hotep,

"Slave =

(1) A person who is dominated by any unjust and/or incorrect force.

(2) A person who lacks both the will, and the ability, to find truth, and to use truth in such manner as to produce justice and correctness, at all times, in all places, in all areas of activity, including Economics, Education, Entertainment, Labor, Law, Politics, Religion, Sex and War.

All people who exist in subjugation to Racism [White supremacy].

Slavery =

(1) Domination by any unjust, and /or incorrect force.

(2) The lack of both the will, and the ability, to find truth, and to use truth in such manner as to produce justice and correctness, at all times, in all places, in all areas of activity, including Economics, Education, Entertainment, Labor, Law, Politics, Religion, Sex and War.


Every person in the known universe is a “slave”----at least to his or her own ignorance and/or weaknesses.

The slavery of Racism, however, is the most damaging form of injustice and incorrectness, that, also could be most easily avoided and/or eliminated.

It is a form of slavery in which truth is deliberately prevented from being used in a manner that would best promote justice and correctness among the people of the known universe in a relatively short span of time.

Do not attempt to answer a question until you are prepared to answer it in such manner that the answer helps to not merely relate facts, but also, to reveal truth.

Reason(s) / Explanation (s):

Some “selected” facts, presented in a “special” manner, do not always reveal truth.

Facts should always be presented in such manner that truth is revealed.

Facts can, and are, ofttimes presented in such manner to promote falsehood.

If truth is not revealed through the correct presentation of facts, it is impossible to promote justice and/or correctness.

Lie =

Speech and/or action with the intention of promoting falsehood.

Self – respect =

Refusing to lie to oneself, and letting all others know that refusal.

Sin =

(1) Hypocrisy.

(2) Pretending to believe one thing while, in truth, believing another.

(3) Pretending to say or do one thing while, in truth, “saying” or doing something very different and/or contradictory.

Answer all questions presented to you, and at all times, answer only in a manner that will neither, directly, or indirectly, help to establish, maintain, expand, and/or refine Racism (White Supremacy).

If you are asked a question, and you do not know the answer to that question, always say you don’t know.

Reason (s) / Explanation (s):

Every remark that is made by any person, at any time, about any subject, should be made in a manner that helps to eliminate falsehood, as well as helps to produce justice and correctness.

Do not accuse any Victim of Racism [non-white person] of “selling out” the “rights” of non-white people to the Racists (White Supremacists).

Reason (s) / Explanation (s):

Racist Man and Racist Woman (White Supremacists) have functional power over all non-white people in the known universe. Therefore, no non-white person is responsible for “selling out” any person, animal, place, thing, idea, etc., to anybody, at any time.

Without the direction and/or consent of the White Supremacists, a non-white person can neither “buy”, nor “sell”, him or her self. It is incorrect, under White Supremacy, to ever accuse any non-white person of “selling out” anyone to the White Supremacists.

Since all non-white people are subject to the White Supremacist, it is the White Supremacist who are the only people in the known universe who have the power to “buy”, “sell”, or “sell out”, any people, at any time. All “buying” and “selling” of people is done either directly or indirectly by Racist Man and/or Racist Woman.

Any non-white person who feels that he or she has bee “sold-out” should accuse no one of having done so, except the Racists (White Supremacists, collectively)

Man =

(1) Any male person, classified as “white”, who is also treated as “white” in any socio-material system, or situation, that is directly, or indirectly, dominated by White Supremacy (Racism).

(2) Any male person, classified as “non-white” who is not directly, or indirectly dominated by, and/or subjected to White Supremacy.

Woman =

(1) Any female person who is classified as “white”, who is generally “accepted” as “white”, and who generally functions as a “white” person in her relationships with other persons.


In a socio-material system dominated by White Supremacy (racism), no female person who is not classified and accepted as “White” is allowed to function as a woman.

Under this condition, only “white” females are allowed to function as women, and only “white” males are allowed to function as men. Since White Supremacists (Racists) do no relate to non-white people as men and women, but as racial subjects and possessions, non-white males and females may pretend to be “men” and “women”, but they are not allowed to function as men and women.

While subject to White Supremacy, non-white persons can only function as male or female subject persons --- not men, and not women].

(2) Any female person classified as “non-white”, who is not directly, or indirectly, dominated by, and/or subjected to, White Supremacy (Racism).

Man’s Child, and/or Woman’s Child =

Any male or female person classified as “black” or “non-white”, and who generally functions in direct or indirect support of White Supremacy (Racism).

Master Child Abuser =

A White Supremacist (Racist).


In a world social and material system dominated by White Supremacy (Racism), all non-white people, in order to survive, must function in a manner that is comparatively “child-like”. They are forced to speak and act in a manner that is both childish, and subordinate, all of the time, in all areas of activity, including Economics, Education, Entertainment, Labor, Law, Politics, Religion, Sex and War.

Since White Supremacy is the dominant form of non-justice in the known universe, those white persons who practice White Supremacy are the Greatest and most Masterful abusers of “children” in the known universe.

Therefore, any person who practices White Supremacy is a Master Child Abuser. "----neely fuller jr.


Messages In This Thread

(Selassielive) Relative and Absolute Truth
nature/choice and absolute/relative: Truth-math
Re: nature/choice and absolute/relative: Truth-mat
nature-absolute and choice-relative: Truth=math *NM*
nature/absolute = Truth/math *NM*
choice/relative = unTruth/unMath *NM*

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