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Re: Stop the execution of stan 'tookie' williams

Yes, to respond further to ras atum, Tookie didn't "bring genocide" to the Black community, the Black community has been familiar with genocide for 500 years, Tookie didn't start nothing there. If Tookie hadn't founded the Crips or a similar organization, someone else would have, because what are called "gangs" are simply the result of the way the system is set up. if you are in a situation with no legitimate economic opportunities, surrounded by violence, inevitably people will start to band together in groups so as to better be able to defend against violence (and to instigate violence, that is also true) and to better be able to access the illegitimate economic opportunities that are (or seem to be) your only choice given your situation. Also as the family structure (whether nuclear or extended) breaks down, people will look for subsitute families. It's no coincidence that EVERY economically and socially deprived group in U.S. history has formed street gangs- from the Mafia to the jewish mafia like Lui Lepki, to the Irish, etc etc... the difference is these other groups being white (or "white enough") were allowed to move on to "legitimate" economic/social pursuits... Italians went from gangs to the legislature, Jews went from gangs to the stock market, Irish from gangs to the police force (which is actually the biggest and most dangerous and genocidal gang of them all). Black people, along with Latinos and AmerIndians, have not been offered this "upward mobilility" and so are stuck in the street gang phase. Most of the positive aspects of gangs (solidarity, all for one one for all, pooling resources, etc) are rooted in distorted half-forgotten memories of how our ancient so called 'tribal' societies used to function, most of the negative aspects come from people imitating the way of the status quo... the ruthless behavior of gangs is an imitation of the ruthless behavior of corporations/governments/armies, the official "gangs"...
By all accounts (other than that of the current administrator of San Quentin prison) Tookie genuinely renounced the negative aspects of gang life and has been instrumental in steering a lot of youth clear of the destructiveness of that lifestyle. if a man can write one letter and the result is a drastic decrease in gang violence across a whole city, then that is a powerful man who is using his power in the right way, and it's obvious why they want to kill him.
ras atum by you saying he is nothing but a black devil and the fire awaits him, you are denying the possibilility of redemption, you are saying that whatever bad choices you might have made as a teenager or young adult are bound to follow you for the rest of your life and there is no turning away from those choices. By that logic, as disciple pointed out, Malcolm would be remembered as nothing more than a small time thug, pimp and drug dealer. My former co-worker J.S. would be remembered only as a former prostitute, crack dealer, violent offender and Crip gang member, not as an effective community organizer, advocate for social change and proud member of the Klamath (NW American Indian) nation.
But that is not even the point so much... if Tookie had never repented and reformed, and still ran the Crips from behind bars, the gov't would STILL have no right to murder him. They are the biggest murderers of all and to grant them that power over life and death in ANY circumstances is a huge mistake. Not to mention the fact that there is no real evidence that Tookie committed the specific crimes he is charged with. And take a look at the guy who will either execute or pardon him... the son of an SS officer who has publicly admired Hitler in the past, and admitted in interviews that he used to dream of being "dictator of the world"... who is more dangerous, ten thousand armed crips and bloods and diez y ochos and salvatruchas and what have you, or Arnold Schwarzenegger?

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Stop the execution of stan 'tookie' williams *LINK*
Re: Stop the execution of stan 'tookie' williams
Re: Stop the execution of stan 'tookie' williams
Re: Stop the execution of stan 'tookie' williams
Tookie Williams Granted Private Clemency Hearing *LINK*

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