Animals don't breathe? They are not alive? They don't have value?
When the Bible say JAH say "Dominion over the earth", did that mean wo/mankind was suppose to lord it over the earth and take and take and destroy and wipe out whole species and ting like how the system a run now? (Once upon a time, all we lamps and ting used whale oil... they drive the whales almost to extinction so they could have lamps to read the Bible by...)
Or could JAH have meant that since wo/man has great power, we should exercise great responsibility, and not MISUSE the power we undeniably HAVE to potentially "have dominion over the earth"... our little brains and opposable thumbs make us capable of doing more damage to the planet than any other species, they also make us capable of walking on the land lightly, with respect and love for all our fellow beings that was all created by JAH. Is up to us, which way we want to choose. I know if we keep on choosing the wrong way then JAH and Mumma Nature got a nasty surprise in store for we.
I glad you acknowledging that "male and female JAH created them", though, instead a all this adam's rib fairy-story business... (not saying I don't dig a deeper symbolic meaning behind that and a lot of other Bible stories... I ain't dissing the Bible, though you might perceive it as that... I jus saying, snakes don't talk, and women are not born from men's ribs (more like the other way round). Is like me tell someone else before, I could hear a Nanse story and get the MESSAGE and the MORAL from it, without believing that spiders can actually talk.
Ya dig? Peace Out.
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