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Re: What Gadman has to say
In Response To: What Gadman has to say ()

He changed his original tune to fit in the with the politricks of the Crown Council and the Orthodox Church;who doan't want to recognize the fullness of HIM; out of fear for the spiritual vampirism of the Western Churhes.HIM told Asfawassent that if he was man enough, he would let him face the firing squad for the coup he led back in the sixties.Dawit HIM grandson who was locksed and around InI wind up dead in Sweden about ten eleven years ago.Now some body did'nt like Dawit so close to InI fearing the alliance and commitment.With all the sychophants running around; the crown council could and still cannot get the approval of the Binghi house, because the Crown Council has no commitment to JAHWORKS.Binghis are the tribe,nation,culture,civilization and the majority of Rastafari;however scattered and disorganized the idrines might seem.

So Gadman just change im colours like a cold blooded reptile fi suit the situation.This clearly points out that he is an oppertunist and lacks moral integrity, Which HIM spoke about regarding leaders.

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What Gadman has to say
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Re: Was but not anymore because JESUS Save me!
Re: Was but not anymore because JESUS Save me!
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