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Re: Who thinks HIM is "dead"?
In Response To: Who thinks HIM is "dead"? ()

when this second funeral came around i was really trying to ask if anyone ever did DNA testing on the bones, because we had always heard the bones were too long (even though i have never been able to get a source for that claim) and so i wrote by hand and email people in Government offices asking if DNA testing had been done and ...no reply.. i tell you we know selassie was born and his parenrts pass, his wife menen pass and his children died many of them young and tragically.
his photos he gets older and greyer and if you look at the last photos taken of him he looks very frail. mengitsus cronies admitted in court he was smothered witha pillow and burried beneath a toilet in thet palace. Its not a dignified end for just a glorious man, but that is what they say happened. But just as we say bob marley lives on through his music.. Selassie I lives on around the world through his words and works.(OAU etc)
I visisted the royal Crypts in Trinity Catherdral and was very overwhelmed with emotions. I have seen his family weep on CNN as they exhumed him. I would love to see a DNA test to know for sure, but i would say he probably has passed away and joined his wife. I know this will catch nuff fyah and flames from those who beleive he's hiding up in the mountains, or rasta cyan dead etc.. but hopefully we can agree to disagree respectfully for each others ideas. peace, ras a

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Who thinks HIM is "dead"?
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Re: Who thinks HIM is "dead"?
Re: Who thinks HIM is "dead"?
Re: Who thinks HIM is "dead"?
Re: Who thinks HIM is "dead"?
Re: Who thinks HIM is "dead"?
Hayl Selasse I naw (is) Yazalalam(Eternal) *NM*

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