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Re: White supremacy in Black movements. Reply to R *LINK*

Imperial Queen Empress Shebah.
Chamber of Kingdoms. Africa.

Excerpts: HIM Imperial Majesty's Utterances to the African Kingdoms. On the Subject of a United African Nation.... Part II. On the "Diaspora Nations".

By the Commission of Staff in Her Majesty Service: Her Majesty Head of Protocol citates: On Her Majesty's Words.
Excerpts from Her Majesty Utterances on Africans. And Africa's view on the subject of: The Diaspora. And the Exodus from Africa

A woman has two children in a far away land. One child is stolen from her while she sleeps. Gone. Never to be seen again by the mother of its birth.

However with the circumstance and trials of time, the children grew. One on one side of the ocean, the other on the other side.

Years later, we see that both children have grown. Had children, and grandchildren of their own. The name of the one child taken now differs from the mother through the circumstances of its ordeal and its master.

The children thereof, later through better circumstances meets. Are they no longer related. Or are they actually blessed to be yet United with those of their blood, their lines, their rightful home, and heritage.

The Children of Mother Africa were taken from the womb of Mother Africa. And regardless of the how, the why, the when and the General time factor in between, they are and will always be the Children of their Mothers womb, Africa.
The term Diaspora as recorded the Oxford University Press dictionary publication of 1948 means: The dispersion of the Jews among the gentiles after their period of exile:

The term Exile as recorded in its basic form in the self-same publication means: Banishment, being SENT away from ones Country or Home, as a Punishment.

Though indeed the early lines of the Kingdoms are of Judah, the people before Colonisation of Africa were of the Kingdoms of Mother Africa. And no African mother of the soil will banish the child of her very womb. Neither did the Kingdoms, the Chiefdom or those of their Tribes of Nubia and Kingdoms throughout what today is called Africa, send them into exile.

They were torn away from there Motherland and Family, their custom and traditions based on the commercial and imperialistic desire outside of their home, their lands their very country. Africa. Every individual of the race called by the world Negro, black, African and in particular those taken and those present of their lines, is an African.

And loved, treasured, honoured, welcomed and respected in the home, the lands, the very arm of their Mother from which they were taken. Africa.

Mankind has accomplished much in Mankind's time. Be it good. Be it bad. But the power to totally change the Origin, DNA and Genetically structure of one human to another they have not, cannot, and shall, not master.

So, until God the Creator of us all says otherwise, they are our people, wherever they maybe, they are Africans.

Whether the colour of their skins is as precious Ebony, the rich Brown of the African soils in all its colours or nuances. Be they Caramel or Caramel Creme's soft nuances of tints. They are their Mothers Child. And their Fathers Legacy.

They are Africans, no less, but much more. For they are a people of strength and perseverance. A people who has borne and survived mankind's every Trial. Every Tribulation, Persecution in forms and manners unparalleled in the early Kingdoms of Man and that of the Animals. And they not only survive, grew, progressed both equally within the environments and limitations of their circumstances. They have excelled, and gone far above and beyond it.

That is Africa and with glorious pride, we shall stand and welcome them. We shall Embrace them. For they are as important as our right hand is to our left. They are in unison with the Tribes and Nations of Africa.

And whether they are in the midst of luxuries, or their pillow lies under the bridges, stations, subways, or in the comforts of the suburbs, projects or councils, whether free or incarcerated, they are loved, they are needed, they are missed, they are special, they are part and parcel of Africa.
We, the Kingdoms, do not, shall not, and cannot in honour and respect to our ancestors and peoples, past and present, make support or address a difference in our People at our fundamental Root. For Mother Africa, the womb of their very being loves them as us, All.

As I, so do. They are our people, my family each and every individual soul and so cherished. They are the children of the lines, so old, so long a line of Nations, since the dawn of time. Far surpassing the Kingdoms and Nations of yesterday. It is their History, their heritage, their fathers legacy, whose roots lies deep in the soul of us all. The birthplace of the Kingdoms. Of our Imperial forefathers, of Nubia-Kush?..

Remember always the following famous words, That I so love, so cherish, since the tender years of young childhood, from a tablet on my Mothers walls. It read: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot Change, Courage to Change the things I Can. And Wisdom to know the Difference." May its Wisdom Guide you, as it has me.
My people, only God can wipe away the past. Our courage we have long shown and still do. And it is the Wisdom of that all that shows us the difference and the similarities and the path.

Let us use that precious Wisdom to the benefit of all the people, wherever they may stand. For God created one Planet Earth. An earth without geographical and physiological borders, as created by Mankind's. Wherever we stand, we are in our Fathers house. We as they, are Home. Though, some may be on the birth lands of their fathers, all stand on the lands of the Supreme Sovereign Father of all Creation.
So my Kings, Queens, Sovereign of Elders of Africa, my Family, I say it is. It is you my Father that taught me. It is you my Mothers that repremanded me to care for all my brothers and sisters. It is you my Parents that taught me to respect all Elders, in Unity and in Keeping of Our Imperial and Royal Norm, within Our Kingdoms. With love and in the Knowledge.

That, it is we that carry the Villagers. It is our responsibility. As so since the Covenant.

And that Covenant is that of our Nations since the days of Noah. For it is not man that has elected us, but by anointment of old, as the Royals, the teachers, the Guide, the parent of the Nations. Let us all honour that, for with it comes a responsibility and a reckoning, with God of the Covenant for the care of his Children, For it is God, that had placed the responsibility in our hands, before all, Was.
Turn Africa around. I humbly beg. Beginning within ourselves. Is the one child of the mother, any less than the other?.The word Diaspora, is an insult to the memory of Mother Africa's Children of the Nations taken. And unjust, to the Millions of Nations that they have borne. For she had sent not her loved ones into Exiled. Nor changed the Course, Nor Mappings of Our Fathers Global Village, called Earth HISTORY. It is neither the wants, desires, or blessings or their Kingdoms. It was by the hands of Mankinds, Greed. Through Mans means of , Slavery.Our People were taken. They were not sent. They were taken,our loved ones, our Nations,from the shelter of their People. We have all enter Life through the gates of the womb of Woman. As surely as we leave through the gates of Death to the fields of Hades. We are of One. Of One, Mother. Africa."

Unquote: Her Imperial Majesty Utterances: (Translation & Editing: Nana Lomotey. Kingdom Secretariat)


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