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    Racism Watch: Freedom Rider: Black Faces for White People
    Black and White
    By Margaret Kimberley
    November 06, 2013 - blackagendareport.com

    "It seems that white supremacy is the new national pastime every October."

    Black people have been stigmatized with racist caricatures from the first moment that Africans encountered Europeans. People who worked without pay at the point of a lash or a gun were called lazy. The victims of sexual assault were themselves labeled as "over sexed" perverts and freaks. This awful history isn’t dead. It is celebrated by millions of people who think that our plight and position in society is part of the natural order of the universe. At the first possible opportunity they publicly display their hatred and their determination to exult in and continue white supremacy.

    This tendency may always be present but in recent years Halloween is the moment when the ghouls show themselves. This celebration has morphed from what used to be a simple children’s holiday into a multi-billion dollar, month long event for adults. What was an enjoyable time to dress up in costume has become the white racist moment to act out sick fantasy. They do so quite publicly, with numerous examples made easily visible on social media.

    (Read More... | Racism Watch | Score: 0)

    Racism Watch: Is Tim Wise Stamping the Anti-Racist Ghetto Passes at "Teach For America"
    Black and White
    By Bruce A. Dixon
    July 17, 2013 - blackagendareport.com

    Tim Wise has made a career as an author and speaker lecturing white Americans on racism. We suppose that's a good thing and that somebody's gotta do it. Mr. Wise is speaking at a major Teach For America event on July 19. How do we reconcile that with a stand against racism? We can't, and unless TFA is gonna pay Mr. Wise to tell them their entire practice and premise is elitist, evil and yes, racist, we're pretty sure he can't reconcile it either.

    Teach For America is part of an elite bipartisan scam to privatize public education, starting, and perhaps ending with the inner city. TFA replaces qualified, experienced mostly black teachers who live in the communities they serve with mostly white temps, graduated from a 5 week course who will move on to Wall Street and other lucrative careers after only a couple seasons in the classroom.

    (Read More... | Racism Watch | Score: 5)

    Racism Watch: Why White People Get Mad
    Black and White
    By Margaret Kimberley
    December 05, 2012 - blackagendareport.com

    "The Mayflower's cultural heirs are programmed to find glory in their own depravity, and savagery in their most helpless victims, who can only redeem themselves by accepting the inherent goodness of white Americans." – Glen Ford

    "Most white Americans can only think of themselves and their country as the pinnacle of enlightenment and civilization."

    In 2003 my Black Agenda Report colleague Glen Ford wrote "The End of American Thanksgivings: A Cause for Universal Rejoicings," a brilliant piece of commentary which cast a spotlight on the horror which inspired the holiday that came to be known as Thanksgiving. Mr. Ford documented the genocide visited upon the original inhabitants of this country which is inextricably intertwined with the Thanksgiving myth that is so revered by most Americans. The facts that he presented are easily known to anyone who cares to seek them out. The celebration of the Thanksgiving holiday is not only a celebration of slaughter but it is used to this very day to keep all Americans secure in their love of white supremacy.

    (Read More... | Racism Watch | Score: 5)

    Racism Watch: Hollywood and Race: Still Stuck in the 1950s
    Black and White
    By Rev. Jesse Jackson, Jr.
    February 22, 2012 - counterpunch.org

    This Sunday, nearly 40 million people are likely to tune in to see who captures an Oscar at the annual Academy Awards ceremonies. Winning the award can add millions to a film’s box office and supercharge the career of an actor, director, screenwriter or editor. According to the Academy’s 2009-10 fiscal year tax filing, the Oscars generated $81.3 million in revenue. This is a big deal.

    It is avidly watched by the moviegoing population of this sprawling and diverse nation of more than 300 million people, and by millions more around the world. Hollywood sets styles, captures imaginations, touches dreams. Worldwide, movies provide people with much of what they think about America.

    (Read More... | Racism Watch | Score: 4)

    Racism Watch: Your House Is On Ground Zero (And Quite Without Permission)
    Black and White
    By Tim Wise
    September 07, 2010 - timwise.org

    In all the rancor over whether or not one group of Muslims should be allowed to build a cultural center and worship space near the site of the 9/11 attacks -- which were committed by a separate and totally unrelated group of Muslims --there is one thing above all else that no one appears anxious to point out: namely, that for any white Christian to say "Ground Zero" is off limits to anyone is possibly the most deliciously and yet grotesquely ironic thing ever suggested.

    After all, there is scarcely a square foot of land upon which we tread that is not, for someone, Ground Zero. I am sitting atop one now: a killing field for Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw and Creek; a graveyard in which are buried the bones -- and if no longer the bones, then surely the dust -- of peoples whose evisceration occurred not so long ago, and is still remembered by those who have not the luxury of forgetting.

    (Read More... | Racism Watch | Score: 5)

    Racism Watch: Apart from the noose, this is an everyday story of modern America
    Black and White
    Jena Mayor Calls Song Inflammatory Oct 6 07

    The Jena 6 Case is History Written in Lightning

    By Trey Ellis
    September 19, 2007

    The first Sean Hannity heard about it was last night when Reverend Al was trying to bring it up and Hannity assumed he was talking about Megan Williams, the young black woman who was tortured and sexually assaulted by those crazy hillbillies in West Virginia. Cryptkeeper Colmes tried to explain but as usual Hannity didn't hear a word he said.

    The Jena 6 case began last fall when a new black student to the mostly white, rural Louisiana town of Jena sat under the "white tree," so called because it was the place where the white kids at school congregated.

    (Read More... | Racism Watch | Score: 5)

    Racism Watch: The legacy of Frantz Fanon
    Black and White
    Sheila McGregor looks back at the
    life and work of the radical psychiatrist
    May 22, 2007 : socialistworker.co.uk

    The World Social Forum in Kenya earlier this year was marked by a resurgence of interest in the ideas of Frantz Fanon, a thinker whose works have for many years been neglected.

    Fanon was a North African writer and psychiatrist who became famous in the 1960s for his radical critique of colonial racism and its impact on colonised people.

    His devastating description of how racism destroyed people, not only physically, but also in terms of their mental and emotional lives, inspired leaders of the Black Power movement in US.

    But Fanon's name was also inseparable from his most controversial and uncompromising stance – his defence of the right of colonised people to use violence in their fight for liberation.

    (Read More... | Racism Watch | Score: 4.5)

    Racism Watch: Racism At Home and Abroad
    Black and White
    Don Imus, Tony Blair & Ann Coulter
    Who In Our Society Is Permitted To Say What?

    By Carl Bloice
    BC Editorial Board
    April 19, 2007

    Don Imus wasn't the only person to open his mouth and unleash a political storm on the subject of race. It went hardly mentioned in the major media of this country but as the Guardian (UK) put it, British Prime Minister Tony Blair, last week claimed a recent spate of knife and gun murders in London "was not being caused by poverty, but a distinctive Black culture." Of course, Blair is no Imus but his comments elicited a similar reaction as the Imus affair, underscoring the ongoing effort to shift the responsibility for racism onto those most harmed by it.

    While Blair spouted off in Cardiff, on this side of the pond, something strange – but not unexpected – was happening. What sparked African American anger and widespread public disgust was being turned into an attack on Black people. All of a sudden the "shock jock" ranting of someone who regularly engaged in crass racism, sexism, anti-Semitism and homophobia - and his audience's embrace of the practice - was said to pale by comparison with rap music. The objects of derision became in some quarters: "Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and other Black leaders" and their inability to clean up hip-hop lyrics.

    (Read More... | Racism Watch | Score: 5)

    Racism Watch: Imus and White Privilege: Don't Blame Rap Music
    Black and White
    By Ayinde
    April 15, 2007

    We are witnessing an attempt to portray Don Imus as a victim of a Black conspiracy and hypocrisy. Apparently many commentators want to make Africans complicit in Don Imus' racist, sexist and homophobic conduct.

    Don Imus is a racist and not much different from most other Whites.

    Just because Whites have been hearing some Rap and Hip Hop artists using the terms 'ho' and 'nigga', making statements about their 'ghetto' disposition when relating to each other, this does not mean that Whites should use such terms to or about Africans, including in jest. I never met one White person who was unclear about this. But because Imus, a White icon, crossed the line and had to pay (temporarily, as Whites are already supporting him), Whites are suddenly pretending that they do not understand the difference. Whites should know that because of racism, Africans have been experimenting with different ways to create enclaves for themselves. Rap was born out of this.

    (Read More... | Racism Watch | Score: 4.68)

    African Diaspora: Moonlight Gathering Highlights Colourism
    Black and White
    By Ras Tyehimba
    Event Date: September 09, 2006
    Posted: September 19, 2006

    "Truth be told
    Many of us sellin our soul
    In moments
    Dressed up in condiments
    To savour the flavour of the disguise
    So we could swallow the lies
    That we feed ourselves
    About ourselves
    And so we present ourselves
    Wearin masks of themselves

    (Read More... | African Diaspora | Score: 5)

    African Diaspora: Shoot The Messenger: the message is wrong
    Black and White
    The BBC2 drama Shoot the Messenger was a monumental disservice to the African-Caribbean community, says Gary McFarlane


    "Everything bad that has ever happened to me has involved a black person." So says Joe, the central character, espousing the recurring theme in Sharon Foster's Shoot the Messenger which went out last week on BBC2.

    Foster's 90-minute diatribe does indeed have a message, and it's one that should be shot down in flames. It is that black people themselves are to blame for the problems of racial discrimination they face.

    This is a film that dresses up half truths as serious political and social analysis.

    (Read More... | African Diaspora | Score: 4.75)

    African Diaspora: Matthew Harrison Speaks on Colorism Research
    Black and White
    Matthew Harrison: I think that this study illustrates at that level of discrimination which Blacks receive varies depending on their skin tone

    August 24, 2006

    Leslie from AfricaSpeaks.com interviewed Mr. Matthew Harrison on Tuesday 22nd August, 2006 to get more insight into his research about colorism in the workplace.

    Mr. Matthew Harrison, a PhD student at the University of Georgia in the field of Industrial Organizational Psychology, along with his faculty supervisor, Kecia Thomas, a professor of Applied Psychology and acting director of UGA's Institute for African American Studies, has zeroed in on the issue of colourism in the workplace. Mr. Harrison has determined in his research that colour discrimination caused people with lighter skin tones to get preferential treatment over those with darker skin tones in the areas of hiring and promotion in the work system. Such research, in this regard, is very useful in understanding the prospects of job applicants in the United States and indeed all over the world in getting employment and promotion based on the colour of their skins.

    (Read More... | African Diaspora | Score: 5)

    African Diaspora: Skin tone important for African Americans seeking jobs
    Black and White
    Skin tone more important than educational background for African Americans seeking jobs

    Writer: Philip Lee Williams
    Source: University of Georgia

    Everyone knows about the insidious effects of racism in American society. But when it comes to the workplace, African-Americans may face a more complex situation--the effects of their own skin tone.

    For the first time, a study indicates that dark-skinned African-Americans face a distinct disadvantage when applying for jobs, even if they have resumes superior to lighter-skinned black applicants.

    (Read More... | African Diaspora | Score: 4.68)

    U.S.A.: If You have Nothing, You are Nothing
    Black and White
    80,000 Rodney Kings in New Orleans

    By Mike Whitney, counterpunch.org

    Racism in America doesn't dress up in a cowl and flowing white robes anymore. Instead, it dons an immaculate blue suit and tie and conceals itself behind the lofty language of democracy, freedom and human dignity; but, it's racism all the same.

    We've seen an explosion of racism in America since George Bush took office. It started out after 9-11 and was aimed exclusively at Muslims; a vulnerable group with a paltry voice in government. The administration took full advantage of their political weakness by tossing whomever they chose in prison without due process and without concern for their personal health or safety. Many, of course, were brutalized and traumatized by a system that still boldly touted human rights from the presidential podium.

    (Read More... | U.S.A. | Score: 4.75)

    Black and White
    By Robert Jensen - 1998

    Here's what white privilege sounds like:

    I am sitting in my University of Texas office, talking to a very bright and very conservative white student about affirmative action in college admissions, which he opposes and I support.

    The student says he wants a level playing field with no unearned advantages for anyone. I ask him whether he thinks that in the United States being white has advantages. Have either of us, I ask, ever benefited from being white in a world run mostly by white people? Yes, he concedes, there is something real and tangible we could call white privilege.

    (Read More... | U.S.A. | Score: 4.12)

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