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    African Diaspora: Why and How the African Child is Miseducated in the Western Educational System
    By Hort, September 2007

    As African children head back to school to face another school year I would like to make an attempt to explain to our community and particularly to young parents why and how the African child has been systematically mis-educated in the western world during the last 500 years, so that they can better understand the root causes of some of the aberrations and self destructive forms of behaviour they see in our community and to help them realize that if they want a brighter future for their children and for our community, then it is imperative that they no longer leave the education of their children solely in the hands of the western educational system, but rather to follow the advice of Malcolm X who told us years ago that “the black child's education starts when the school bells rings at 4 p.m in the afternoon.” (This may vary depending on what time school ends in your country) We didn't follow his advice then and today our youth are suffering the consequences. The situation of African children around the planet has considerably deteriorated since the days of Malcolm X, so that we are now forced to follow the advice of Dr Asa Hilliard one of Africa's great educators who died recently and left us these parting words. "The education of African people is an urgent necessity. It is a matter of life and death. We cannot abide another generation of children who have no identity and who are ignorant about Africa."

    (Read More... | African Diaspora | Score: 4.93)

    Racism Watch: Schools report shows young people's lives are blighted by racism
    By Terry Wrigley, socialistworker.co.uk
    December 14, 2006

    Britain's schools are institutionally racist against black pupils – that is the clear conclusion of a recent report from the Department for Education and Skills (DfES).

    The report was leaked to the Independent newspaper last weekend. It shows that black pupils are three times as likely as white pupils to be excluded from schools.

    They also stand only a fifth the chance of being identified as "gifted and talented".

    Needless to say, schools minister Lord Adonis has ducked the issue and, it appears, has tried to get the report shelved. Perhaps he feels he has too much to do privatising schools to care much about social justice.

    (Read More... | Racism Watch | Score: 0)

    South America: Columbus arrived late
    Pre-Columbian African Presence in the Americas

    By: Franz J. T. Lee

    According to official history, Christopher Columbus "discovered" America. Very few of us here in the Americas questioned this historic "fact". We were happy that we belong to the "New World", that we were "discovered" at all, and that we got our holiday, the "Day of the Race".

    All over America our oligarchic butchers have put up statues of the great Columbus, of the secret agent of early Italian capital, and if someone concretely tries to topple this farce, across America the loony bin is awaiting one. We cannot be against the ALCA and defend statues of a hoax, of Christopher Columbus, at the same time. Like in the case of brutal, torturing bull-fighting, a cultural revolution has to resolve this obvious contradiction within the Bolivarian Revolution.

    In reality, Columbus did not discover anything whatsoever, yet by means of education, socialization and dissemination of untruths by the international mass media, around him was built up the greatest capitalist, colonial and imperialist myth of all times, a big lie much greater than the fantastic tales related to the "Reichtagsbrand", "Pearl Harbor", the "Blowing up of the Twin Towers" and to "Chavez the Great Dictator".

    (Read More... | South America | Score: 5)

    Racism Watch: White and Might Make Right
    Morality is in the Eye of the Oppressor

    By Jason Miller, civillibertarian.blogspot.com


    We of the privileged *Caucasian race have been dancing without paying for centuries. And the piper is seriously pissed.

    Rudyard Kipling encouraged America's fledgling empire when he wrote The White Man's Burden. However, by that time the Unites States had already committed genocide against the Native Americans, engulfed half of Mexico and turned Hawaii over to a handful of wealthy White plantation owners. White Americans were already "bearing the burden" of ruling those who were "half-devil and half-child".

    In the early 20th Century, confidence in their moral superiority and Manifest Destiny spurred Americans to slaughter tens of thousands of civilians in the Philippines, prevent a sovereign nation from emerging in Cuba, and negate Puerto Rico the autonomy it had negotiated with Spain.

    (Read More... | Racism Watch | Score: 4.83)

    Psychology: Stealing Back Adam's Rib
    By Ron Jacobs, counterpunch.org

    I rarely write about so-called women's issues. I think this is because I don't really feel qualified since I am not a woman. That's the effect identity politics has had on me and much of the rest of the left( and not so left). However, this is one of those instances where what appears to be a women's issue is actually much more than that. Much much more. I'm talking about the recent law passed by the South Dakota legislature outlawing abortions. This law, which makes all abortion illegal in the state of South Dakota, is one of the most reactionary pieces of legislation ever passed in the United States.

    It seems like it came from another country--perhaps a protofascist version of Superman's Bizarroworld. Or maybe Hitler's Germany. You know, the place of the three K's (that's right KKK). Those K's stood for Kinder, Kirche und Kuche (Children, church and kitchen)--the only three places women belonged in the mind of the Nazis.. The sad truth is it did not originate in either of these places. It's happening here in the United States. And the opposition is quiet. Or at least it isn't being heard.

    (Read More... | Psychology | Score: 2.5)

    Racism Watch: Chocolate City?
    by Tim Wise, zmag.org

    If you're looking to understand why discussions between blacks and whites about racism are often so difficult in this country, you need only know this: when the subject is race and racism, whites and blacks are often not talking about the same thing. To white folks, racism is seen mostly as individual and interpersonal--as with the uttering of a prejudicial remark or bigoted slur. For blacks, it is that too, but typically more: namely, it is the pattern and practice of policies and social institutions, which have the effect of perpetuating deeply embedded structural inequalities between people on the basis of race. To blacks, and most folks of color, racism is systemic. To whites, it is purely personal.

    These differences in perception make sense, of course. After all, whites have not been the targets of systemic racism in this country, so it is much easier for us to view the matter in personal terms. If we have ever been targeted for our race, it has been only on that individual, albeit regrettable, level.

    (Read More... | Racism Watch | Score: 4.33)

    World Focus: Another Look at Daneil Ortega and the Sandinista Struggle
    By Joe DeRaymond
    "This movement is national and anti-imperialist. We fly the flag of freedom for Nicaragua and for all Latin America. And on the social level it's a people's movement, we stand for the advancement of social aspirations."

    --Augusto C. Sandino
    In 1911, Nicaragua was occupied by a force of United States Marines that invaded to protect United States interests. This was just the next of a series of US "interventions" and invasions of Nicaragua. The marines remained till 1925, then returned again in 1926, to quell a rebellion organized by a Nicaraguan, Augusto C. Sandino, who grew up under this US occupation. His guerrilla forces were never defeated, despite the deployment of 12,000 troops and the use of aerial bombardment. The Marines left Nicaragua in 1933, after the US had trained a Nicaraguan security force, The National Guard.

    (Read More... | World Focus | Score: 3.66)

    Caribbean: West Indians are ashamed of the past
    "West Indians are ignorant, frightened and ashamed of the past" Comparing how such fear, shame and ignorance are confronted in the work of three authors

    by Ayanna

    Frantz Fanon, in his work, The Wretched of the Earth, stated that, "Colonization is not satisfied merely with holding a people in its grip and emptying the native's brain of all form and content. By a kind of perverted logic, it turns to the past of oppressed people and distorts, disfigures and destroys it". The effects of slavery, indentureship, colonialism and neocolonialism have created a situation where to a large extent, what has characterized the consciousness of the people who suffered under their yokes is not simply its history, but more specifically, the absence of an understanding of history.

    (Read More... | Caribbean | Score: 4.57)

    African Diaspora: Parallel Lives Of Africans And African-Americans
    By Rudolf Ogoo Okonkwo
    January 17, 2005

    When Kim Lewis of the Voice of America's Africa World Tonight program contacted me and requested for an interview regarding my comments in "Cosby Disses my Homies", I was at a lost as to what caught her interest. In the course of the interview, I discovered that her interest amongst other things was the parallel lives of Africans and African - Americans that I inferred in the article. It was something I have not really thought about in that light.

    A look at the position of the average African and average African-American revealed some surprising parallels. For the purpose of simplifying this piece, I will generalize even when I know there are exceptions. I also know Alexander Dumas warned that all generalizations are dangerous, so don't snap as you read. Treat this as an honest start of an authentic dialogue which all Africans in the Diaspora must have.

    (Read More... | African Diaspora | Score: 4.82)

    U.S.A.: What's in a Name: Defining Black Identity in 21st Century America
    by Ewuare Osayande

    The following is a transcript of an address given by Ewuare Osayande at a panel discussion "What's in a Name" at Temple University on November 10, 2004.

    There is an adage from the Xhosa people of South Africa that says "I am because we are …" One aspect of this multi-meaning truth is that one's identity is tied to a body larger than the self. The wisdom in the saying also clearly indicates that in order to understand the self, to identify the self, the group from which one emerges must have an identity as well. Herein lies the dilemma of those of us who have been called and have called ourselves by a variety of cultural nomenclatures and derogatory epithets – Negro, nigger, Colored, Black, African, American, Afro-American, African American, African in America.

    (Read More... | U.S.A. | Score: 4.8)

    U.S.A.: Power conceding nothing without demand, as usual
    By Jenny, michiganimc.org

    The easy smile on Kerry's face as he conceded to Bush should have made a few things clear.

    There are reasons why Kerry conceded so quickly, there are reasons why he never mentioned a single instance of voter fraud or intimidation throughout the day on November 2nd as widespread evidence of disenfranchisement was surfacing (at least through independent media outlets) and there are reasons why he didn't use his concession speech as an opportunity to articulate even mild opposition to Bush policies.

    The reasons are rooted in the fact that Kerry has much more allegiance to elite power in the U.S. than he has or ever will have to the millions of disenfranchised and unrepresented voters in this country.

    (Read More... | U.S.A. | Score: 5)

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