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    African Diaspora: Worried over Robert Mugabe vs. the Western World's Press?
    Posted on Tuesday, June 24 @ 12:13:32 UTC by admin

    Zimbabwe By Lloyd Whitefield Butler, Jr.
    Jun 22, 2008

    "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." Voltaire commenting on 18th century media spinmiesters. Abolitionist Reverend Matlack wrote: "What absurdities will not men defend! If the Gospel will tolerate slavery [apartheid and colonialism], what will it not authorize?

    SHOULD you be worrying about 84 year old Robert Gabriel Mugabe, duly elected President of the Republic of Zimbabwe returning Zimbabwe land to Zimbabweans in national security mode? Should the world be worrying about a US, EU, Britain backed Movement for Democratic Change (MDC-T) run-off election to un-declare its government's Declaration of Independence and to abolish its Constitution and return illegally seized land to white farmers?

    Should the World Press worry about Tendai Biti, Secretary General of the Movement for Democratic Change, who said the Southern African Development Community (Sadc) must "play the midwifery role" in easing President Robert Mugabe from power in the aftermath of the March 29 election?

    Don't worry that Secretary Tandai Biti said to Zimbabwe government authorities: ‘If diplomacy fails, "the next thing is a war," Mr. Biti also told reporters after a news conference. "It's not an option to us, but one day some [person] is going to say, 'This is the only solution.' SADC must act now before rivers of dead people start to flow, as they did in Rwanda."

    Don't worry that officially ‘...MDC insists Tsvangirai won outright the first time.' ‘We decided to participate in the run-off to give the people of Zimbabwe a second chance to kick out the dictatorship. We have now declared a zero vote for Robert Mugabe," Khupe told supporters.

    Don't worry about MDC-T Deputy President Thokozani Khupe's statement that ‘We need to give Mugabe a final blow. On June 27 we will be having a ZANU-PF funeral. We are going to make sure we bury them so that they will not resurrect again.'

    Don't worry about whether world affairs are spinning out of control? No, worry about Sir Robert Gabriel Mugabe returning colonial apartheid seized land back to landless Zimbabweans who were murdered and forced off their land by a British apartheid colonial invasion.

    Don't worry that "the United States put the IMF and the World Bank in charge of the Third World debt problem and essentially instructed them to do two things: keep the debtor countries paying something so that official defaults could be avoided and squeeze as much money out of them as possible. The two semimoribund institutions accepted their new role with alacrity, delighted to act as collection agencies for banks that had made bad loans. Thus were born the World Bank's "structural adjustments loans" and the IMF's "structural adjustment programs."

    In America don't worry that "Midwestern levees are bursting. Polar bears are adrift. Gas prices are skyrocketing. Home values are abysmal. Air fares, college tuition and health care border on unaffordable. Wars without end rage in Iraq, Afghanistan and against terrorism."

    Don't worry that "Half of world's child deaths occur in Africa – "The State of Africa's Children 2008," was launched on May 28 at the Fourth Tokyo International Conference on African Development. The facts are shocking. Although Africa accounts for only 22 percent of births globally, half of the 10 million child deaths annually occur on the continent."

    That "Bankers savaged by credit crunch - The great credit crisis, which has cost the world's largest banks billions since last summer, hit a new low on April Fools' Day when UBS made another £9bn of writedowns. The losses, mainly incurred through the US sub-prime mortgage market, cost chairman Marcel Ospel his job. UBS is the biggest victim so far, having lost more than £18bn."

    That "The crisis took a dramatic twist on March 16 when Wall Street investment bank Bear Stearns was sold to JP Morgan Chase for an initial knockdown price of $2 a share, or a total of $236m. The news triggered turmoil on global stock markets and a sharp decline in the US dollar while gold and oil prices soared. Shareholder protests later forced JP Morgan to increase its offer to $10 a share."

    Just worry about President Mugabe returning Zimbabwe land back to Zimbabweans.

    Don't worry "That corporations have taken the spotlight as latter-day English-speaking conquistadores—Magellans of technology, Cortéses of consumer goods, and Pizarros of entertainment—reflected in the cosmopolitanizing of their profits, a cousinship to earlier Dutch and then British cosmopolitanizing of investment."

    Don't worry about the "Plan to Fingerprint Foreigners Exiting U.S. Is Opposed - The airline industry and embassies of 34 countries, including the members of the European Union, are urging the U.S. government to withdraw a plan that would require airlines and cruise lines to collect digital fingerprints of all foreigners before they depart the United States, starting in August 2009."

    In America "This year, 24 foreign carriers and about eight U.S. carriers have halted operations, gone out of business or sought bankruptcy protection. The carriers stand to lose $6.1 billion this year if the price of oil remains at $135 a barrel, Bisignani said in a letter Thursday to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff."

    Just worry about Zimbabwe! How dare an African give colonial land back to Africans. Rubbish!

    Don't worry about "Security fears over food and fuel crisis - Western countries have upgraded the food and fuel crisis into a national security concern as they fear record high energy and agriculture commodity costs are destabilizing key developing regions of the world."

    Don't worry about America "Borrowing $2 billion to $3 billion a day from other countries to maintain the world's highest standard of living, based on conspicuous consumption, in an age of growing world shortages, while fighting two wars whose costs will soon ring up a $1 trillion tab, is tantamount to living on borrowed time."

    That "Activists turn to Blackwater over Darfur - Mia Farrow, the actress and activist, has asked Blackwater, the US private security company active in Iraq, for help in Darfur after becoming frustrated by the stalled deployment of a United Nations peacekeeping force.

    Ms. Farrow said she had approached Erik Prince, founder and owner of Blackwater, to discuss whether a military role was either feasible or desirable."

    That "Rich countries have so far given only one-seventh of the extra aid they promised to Africa three years ago, with France particularly off-track, according to a report."

    Don't worry about "World Bank backs contentious director - Colin Bruce, the World Bank country director at the centre of a storm of controversy during Kenya's post-election crisis, has been named as director of operations and strategy for Africa. - Officials said the appointment was not technically a promotion but it allowed Mr. Bruce to influence funding decisions for the continent as a whole."

    Worry about Zimbabwe!

    Don't worry about "3 in 10 Americans admit to racial bias"

    That a "Corruption probe halts Iraqi rebuilding - U.S.-funded reconstruction of city suspended as mayor, police chief are investigated in oil scam."

    Don't worry about "U.S. lawmakers want Mandela off terrorism list - Bill has support from Justice Dept.; awaits approval from Senate" as of Sunday, June 22, 2008

    That "More than 100 barges idled on Mississippi - One operator estimates his losses at $25,000 a day, and that could grow"

    That "According to a report released Tuesday, the CIA's actions in blocking the investigators' access to Al Qaeda operative Abu Zubaydah were "unwarranted" and "hampered" an investigation by the Justice Department's Office of Inspector General into the FBI's knowledge of abuse by CIA and U.S. military interrogators."

    Worry about Mugabe returning Zimbabwe land to Zimbabweans.

    Don't worry about "Mohammed ElBaradei, the United Nations' top nuclear weapons official, says a military strike on Iran would turn the Mideast into a "ball of fire."

    That the "The Federal Highway Administration said Thursday it estimates that Americans drove 1.4 billion fewer miles on public roads in April. That's a decline of 1.8% compared to April 2007 and is the sixth consecutive month that drivers have cut back."

    Don't worry about:

    "Afghan security forces knew Taliban militants were planning an offensive near the southern city of Kandahar last week but were distracted by a mass prison break"

    "American beef imports to South Korea will not resume anytime soon after a new import deal with the United States failed to quell South Koreans' concerns about mad cow disease and their policy grievances"

    "NATO general calls for 6000 more troops in Afghanistan"

    "Nigerian president declares war on militants in the Niger Delta - The presidency said militant activities were undermining efforts aimed at addressing the huge developmental challenges in the oil rich Niger Delta region."

    "[US] Presidential Lies and Deceptions - When spin crosses the line, the credibility gap is hard to repair"

    "OIL SUMMIT: Nigeria Oil Output At Lowest In 25 Yrs -Official"

    "Former Cuban president Fidel Castro has lambasted the European Union's decision to lift diplomatic sanctions against Cuba but imposed tough human rights conditions, calling the move an "enormous hypocrisy."

    Worry about Sir Robert Mugabe returning land to landless Zimbabweans.

    Don't worry about "Guns blight US energy choices - The United States, noted for losing low-skilled jobs to developing countries, has ceded the ground to Europe and Japan in higher-level manufacturing, notably in the sustainable-energy sector. That flows from the Pentagon draining engineering, scientific and business talent that could otherwise develop technologies that would help the country avoid economic and environmental collapse."

    Don't worry that the "US in military misstep over African oil - The impact in Africa will likely be the same as in Iraq: perpetual occupation, instability, and growing anti-Americanism."

    Don't worry that "In recognition of "the emerging strategic importance of Africa", President George W Bush in February 2007 ordered the creation of AFRICOM, the US Africa Command. AFRICOM centralizes all authority for the US military operating in the African region under one command structure. While fighting terrorism in Africa is the primary reason given for the establishment of AFRICOM, oil appears to be the more pressing motivator. - "the key aspect of which is the US military's transformation into a global oil protection force".

    Don't worry about "The Bush administration has increasingly turned to the Department of Defense to ensure more stable governments in Africa that are supportive of both the US government and US (and US-affiliated) oil corporations and to guarantee an amenable (some would argue, subdued) populace."

    Worried about Zimbabwe returning its million year old land sovereignty back to its landless citizens means everything to the World Press Media while the rest of the world means nothing.

    Coming to the Final Rounds of Sir Robert Mugabe versus the Western Press it appears the Forces of Nature has interrupted and is presently warning everybody on Earth that crimes against humanity is criminal but crimes against nature is catastrophic.

    Today's escalation in natural calamities are Nature's way, in high definition, of cleansing and decontaminating itself from the abuse and toxic effects of Western Civilization. It is time to get Back to African Nature Time back to Zulu Time. Greenwich Time appears to have run its course.

    Wake up African Press!

    Reproduced by consent of the author from:

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    · More about Zimbabwe
    · News by admin

    Most read story about Zimbabwe:
    Mugabe's Speech to the UN General Assembly

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