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AfricaSpeaksRastafariSpeaksCheik Anta Diop

Rastafari Speaks

Its still poli-TRICKS no matter how you polish it

Word/power Rhedman.

Thing is, black people should work towards FORMING politics instead of JOINING politics, that is if ones have to "get their hands dirty" in the first place.

IMO, its just like the old "everything takes money" indoctrinated acceptance notion.

Everything does NOT take money. And power of the people does not necessary have to fall along the lines of politics.

Rosa Parks refusing to give up her seat was not a political action. It was simply ACTION or a refusal to act to be more accurate.

As with other tools of babylon like religion, politics is too easily used to control the people instead of people controlling it. Is politics ABSOLUTE TRUTH based??? NO. And everyone knows it. Politics literally means "to appease the masses" it by hook or crook, lies or deception.

Remember, politics got Garvey 'destroyed'.

Remember, politics got Obama elected. And Obama ain't done nothing but pacify the black masses with pride and collector's Ebony magazines while the controllers, his string-pullers, move in on Afrika. Obama is this generation's crack cocaine. Same empty nothingness at the cost of TRUE unity, power and healing.

Obama killing Khadafi and eventually going after Mugabe and Chavez looks much more benign than Romney or Gingrich doing it...or even Hillary or Biden for that matter.

That's politics.
How does that forward our liberation/healing?

Actually, it sets us back.

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Re: Rastas must embrace their role in politics
Re: Rastas must embrace their role in politics
Re: Rastas must embrace their role in politics

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