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Why we are here?: ãÍãÏ ÇáÈæÚÒíÒí ! Mohamed Bouazzi *LINK*
In Response To: M . E . C . A . .... *LINK* ()

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"Your purpose will be seen in what you say and/or do.

What is the reason (why) YOU were born into a SYSTEM of injustice if not to replace it with a SYSTEM of justice?"

Counter-Racist Movie Review - Matrix Reloaded

In this segment of Matrix Reloaded, the second install of the Matrix Trilogy, Neo has a conversation with the Merovingian. I found this to be the second most interesting conversation in Matrix Reloaded...second only to that of Neo's conversation with the Architect. Neo goes to the Merovingian to acquire the Keymaker...a person he is told he needs (by the Oracle) if he wants to go to the source, which is supposedly, "where the path of the one ends".

The dialog begins:

Merovingian: Aha, here he is at last. Neo, the One himself, right? And the legendary Morpheus. And Trinity of course, si belle qu'elle me fait souffrir. [Trans: so beautiful she makes me suffer.] I have heard so much, you honour me. Please, sit, join us. This is my wife, Persephone. Something to eat? Drink? Hmm... of course, such things are contrivances like so much here. For the sake of appearances.
Neo: No, thank you.
Merovingian: Yes, of course, who has time? Who has time? But then if we do not ever take time, how can we ever have time? Château Haut-Brion 1959, magnificent wine, I love French wine, like I love the French language. I have sampled every language, French is my favorite - fantastic language, especially to curse with. Nom de Dieu de putain de bordel de merde de saloperie de connard d'enculé de ta mère! [Trans: Name of God of whore of brothel of shit of filth of jerk of fucking your mother up the ass.] You see, it's like wiping your ass with silk, I love it.
Morpheus: You know why we are here.
Merovingian: Hmph... I am a trafficker of information, I know everything I can. The question is, do you know why you are here?

This is where it begins to get interesting.

Morpheus: We are looking for the Keymaker.
Merovingian: Oh yes, it is true. The Keymaker, of course. But this is not a reason, this is not a `why.' The Keymaker himself, his very nature, is means, it is not an end, and so, to look for him is to be looking for a means to do... what?

This is a very basic process that all people interested in countering racism (white supremacy) should ask themselves...if you know your ultimate objective, the means to achieve it, and most importantly why do it at all. The why do it at all is where Merv is going to take the conversation by asking..."do you know why you are here"...your purpose.

Neo: You know the answer to that question.
Merovingian: But do you? You think you do but you do not. You are here because you were sent here, you were told to come here and then you obeyed. [Laughs] It is, of course, the way of all things. You see, there is only one constant, one universal, it is the only real truth: causality. Action. Reaction. Cause and effect.

Merv has indicated to Neo that it is not enough to perform the act but you have to know why you're performing the act...what is the ultimate objective. When you do not know the ultimate objective (why) you are performing acts for someone else's why...possibly the white supremacists (racists). They are the ones that are controlling your actions because in the final analysis you are helping them to maintain this SYSTEM of injustice if you are not in the process of producing a SYSTEM of justice.

In this case Neo was being controlled by whatever is in control of the other words Neo was being controlled by machines because it is the machines that mapped out the why for him. This is the state of all non-white people born into the prison of injustice we call white supremacy (racism). It is the racists (white supremacists) that know why non-white people fight for "Affirmative Action, when Affirmative Action is not an indicator of justice...why non-white people fight for "equal rights", when equal rights is not an indicator of justice.

The only indicator of justice is justice.

Morpheus: Everything begins with choice.
Merovingian: No. Wrong. Choice is an illusion, created between those with power, and those without.

Now that's interesting! The white supremacists (racists) can make it appear you are making a choice for yourself but the things that were put in front of you to choose from were put there by the white supremacists (racists) themselves. We continue by Merv (Merovingian) continuing his dialog by giving an example of cause and effect and why it is necessary to understand purpose...

Merovingian: Look there, at that woman. My God, just look at her. Affecting everyone around her, so obvious, so bourgeois, so boring. But wait... Watch - you see, I have sent her dessert, a very special dessert. I wrote it myself. It starts so simply, each line of the program creating a new effect, just like poetry. First, a rush... heat... her heart flutters. You can see it, Neo, yes? She does not understand why - is it the wine? No. What is it then, what is the reason? And soon it does not matter, soon the why and the reason are gone, and all that matters is the feeling itself. This is the nature of the universe. We struggle against it, we fight to deny it, but it is of course pretense, it is a lie. Beneath our poised appearance, the truth is we are completely out of control. Causality. There is no escape from it, we are forever slaves to it. Our only hope, our only peace is to understand it, to understand the `why.' `Why' is what separates us from them, you from me. `Why' is the only real social power, without it you are powerless. And this is how you come to me, without `why,' without power. Another link in the chain. But fear not, since I have seen how good you are at following orders, I will tell you what to do next. Run back, and give the fortune teller this message: Her time is almost up. Now I have some real business to do, I will say adieu and goodbye.
Neo: This isn't over.
Merovingian: Oh yes, it is. The Keymaker is mine and I see no reason why I should give him up. No reason at all.
Persephone: Where are you going?
Merovingian: Please, ma chérie, I've told you, we are all victims of causality. I drink too much wine, I must take a piss. Cause and effect. Au revoir [Trans: Goodbye].

The choice that non-white people make to replace white supremacy (racism) with justice is just that...a choice. Once the choice has been made you have to understand it...meaning, understand why you made the choice. The choice has always been there to make. Once the white supremacists (racists) made the choice to practice white supremacy (racism) the choice to eliminate racism (white supremacy) was also made...the logical mechanics to do so were not established. The process for understanding the choice to replace white supremacy (racism) with justice includes what to do and how to do it.

To eliminate racism (white supremacy) is one thing but to produce a SYSTEM of justice...well that's something altogether different. They are the same in that both approaches eliminate white supremacy (racism) but when you only eliminate racism (white supremacy) without producing justice what will you have? Some non-white people will say the only way to get rid of white supremacy (racism) is to kill all the white people. That could be true...but if you do that what will you have? Logically still will not have a SYSTEM of justice.

To produce a SYSTEM of justice is the only compensation for a SYSTEM of white supremacy (racism). Since a SYSTEM of white supremacy (racism) and a SYSTEM of justice cannot exist in the same universe at the same time, producing a SYSTEM justice automatically eliminates the SYSTEM of racism (white supremacy). Guaranteeing no person is mistreated and also guaranteeing the person that needs help the most get the most help, which is the compensatory definition of justice, is what we are supposed to be doing anyway. The world is not supposed to be run the way it is currently being run and people are not supposed to be doing what we are currently doing unless we are in the process of producing a SYSTEM of justice.

Most non-white people don't understand why they should even attempt to produce a SYSTEM of justice...and if they can't conceive why they'll never conceive how. Even if non-white people want to produce a SYSTEM of justice or at the very minimum eliminate white supremacy (racism) they'll have to understand why...why do it at all...and the only why that makes any sense at all is to guarantee no person is mistreated and also guarantee the person that needs help the most get the most help.

This is what we struggle against. This is the why...why replace white supremacy (racism) with justice? Because no person should be mistreated and people that need help should get it...especially...the people that need the most help should get help first. The how to do it is built into the why. Without the why you become POWERLESS..."another link in the chain"...unable to understand what you should do and how you should do it. We become consumed with the emotion when we don't understand why we should replace white supremacy (racism) with justice and end up saying and/or doing things to make ourselves feel better.

Your purpose will be seen in what you say and/or do.

What is the reason (why) YOU were born into a SYSTEM of injustice if not to replace it with a SYSTEM of justice?

The next segment in this series is Neo's conversation with the Architect where Neo is given a choice and begins to understand his purpose.


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Why we are here?: ãÍãÏ ÇáÈæÚÒíÒí ! Mohamed Bouazzi *LINK*

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