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Rastafari Speaks

Third person killed by UK Police THIS WEEK. *LINK*

This is the THIRD person in just THIS WEEK to have died after contact with police (I gather you're supposed to say that instead of "killed by the police" or else they could track you down to sue you for libel, and probably taser/pepper spray/beat/suffocate/shoot you to death on the way to the courtroom). So could everyone please tell any acquaintances who may be media parrots to stop repeating the endless moaning about "looters are scum" and "undisciplined kids causing havoc" and focus instead on THE REASON THE FLIPPING RIOTS HAPPENED IN THE FIRST FLIPPING PLACE... I.E. THE GOD DAMNED PO-LICE BLOWING PEOPLES' HEADS OFF IN PUBLIC AND BEATING THE CRAP OUT OF TEENAGE GIRLS WHO DARE TO TALK BACK TO THEM. R.I.P. to the victims and F.T.P.!!!

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Third person killed by UK Police THIS WEEK. *LINK*
Re: Third person killed by UK Police THIS WEEK.
Cops brandish guns at sisters aged 9 and 15 *LINK*

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