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North, West, Fire, Water, Birthplace *LINK*

Could our North magnetic pole be taking a trip Kheft? Spin the Globe.

"The name Egypt, Greek Aiguptos, is found in Egyptian as Khebt, the Kheb, a name of Lower Egypt. Khebt, Khept or Kheft means the lower, the hinder-part, the north, the place of emanation, the region of the Great Bear. The f, p and b are extant in Kuft, a town of Upper Egypt; in Coptos, that is Khept-her or Khept above, whence came the Caphtorim of the Hebrew writings[13], enumerated among the sons of Mitzraim, and Kheb, Lower Egypt." G. H. Massey

"About the time when the Nile began to rise in Lower Egypt, there alighted in the land a remarkable bird of the heron kind which had two long feathers at the back of its head. This, the Ardea purpurea, was named by the Egyptians the bennu, from 'nu,' a periodic type, and 'ben,' splendid, supreme—literally, as the crest indicated, tiptop. It was their phoenix of the waters, the harbinger of re-arising life, and was adopted as an eschatological type of the resurrection. The planet Venus is called on the monuments the 'Star of Bennu Osiris,' that is of Osiris redivivus." G. H. Massey

"Time was when the right hand was also the east, ab, the right hand and the east side. On the other hand the west (sem) is the left side, semhi is the left hand, Assyrian samili, Hebrew samali. Now for the east to be on the right and the west on the left, the namers must face the north, and that this the region of the Great Bear was looked to as the great quarter, the birthplace of all beginning, is demonstrable. Those, then, who looked northward with the east on their right and the west on their left hand were naming with their backs to the south and not their faces; nor were their faces to the east. This mode of orienting was likewise the earliest with the Akkadians, who looked to the north as the front, the favourable quarter, the birthplace. They, like the dwellers in the equatorial regions, had seen the north was the starry turning point, and the quarter whence came the breath of life to the parched people of the southern lands. This accounts for the south being the Akkadian 'funereal point' and the hinder-part.

When the namers from the south had descended the Nile valley and made out their year, of which the Dog-star was the announcer, then they looked south as their front, and the west was on the right, the east on the left hand, hence we find ab for the left hand east[45]. Thus the Egyptians have two orientations, one with the east on the right hand, one with the east on the left, and both of these precede the frontage in the east. Perhaps it was a reckoner by one of the first two methods who asserted that there were in Nineveh 'more than 120,000 persons who could not discern between their right hand and their left hand.'[46]

The earliest wise men came from the south, not the east, and made their way north. With the Hebrews kam is a synonym of the south. Their south as kedar was the place of coming forth, and as negeb it is identical with the Egyptian goddess, Nekheb, who brought forth in the south, and was the opener in that region, as the Chaldean god Negab is the opener in the west." G. H. Massey

"Khepti modifies into khét and kat, and these are names of fire in Egyptian. Kheti or fire is the name of an enormous serpent with seven folds, the support of seven gods in the Hades. The name goes back to khepti which in the modified hepti is a name for no. 7, originating in the seven stars. Khét (from khept) and set are Egyptian names for fire itself, and this wears down to ut for fire and heat; also to jet and emit fire. In these succeeding forms of the name we have kuade, Bagnon; khott, Kot, and Arini; kut, Cahuillo; ketal, Araucanan; katti, Maipur; kathi, Baniwa; kuati, Sapiboconi; kading, Kasia; kidzhaik, Mille; heddoo, Begharmi; hot, Skwali; hatz, Hueco; hat, Assan; gadi, Punjabi, and Hindustani; gadla, Parnkalla; gaadla, Menero Downs; ukut, Ternati; wata, Waiyamera; wato, Maiongkong; wetta, Woyawai; watu, Carib, and Akkaway; wot, Yakut, and Tshuvash; utu, Furian; ut, Kirghiz, Baraba, Kazan, Nogay, Bashkir, and Meshtsheriak; ot, Turcoman, Tobolsk, Tshulim, Teleut, Kuznetsk, Koibal, Karagas, Yeneseian, Kumuk, and Karatshai; ud, Uzbek; od, Osmanli.

Everywhere the mother-mould is first. Kep, kaf, or af, signifies born of; the heat or fire of life. In the first phase the genetrix was designated Kartek, the spark-holder, in allusion to her circumpolar supremacy, and tek, the name for the star-spark, supplies the type-name for the star as togyt, in Fin; tjecht, Esthonian; techte, Olonets; tagti, Karelian; etak, Solor; takar, Miri; tekar, Abor; takar, Dofia; tookul, Natchez. Tek, the spark, teka, to sparkle, furnished the name for fire, which, when produced, was derived from the spark, as tuek, Motorian; tikiai, Saravecca tekeri, Daurai; tekieeht, Riccari; tegherre, Atoria and Wapisiana; togo, Savara, Mangasela, Yakutsk, Tshadpodzhir, and Nertshinsk; toggo, Yenisei; t'jih, Bushman. In the second stage Khept, Uati, or Ut, is still feminine, for the genetrix was of a dual form as representative of the Two Truths. Now, as here maintained, the first son of the ancient genetrix Typhon was Bar-Sut of the Dog-star, and he was the primordial god, or male divinity of fire. Hence the names Bar and Sut signify fire, the star being associated with the furnace-heat of the 'dog-days.' The earliest form of the great solar god of fire who can be traced by means of the monuments is Kebekh (later Sebek-Ra), the son of Keb or Kep, the typhonian Great Mother. Kebekh was the crocodile type of the sun, whose eyes denoted sunrise, and his tail the sunset[18], or darkness. Kebekh was the sun of the waters and the underworld; his name modifies into Sebek, Khep, Af and Kak, or Sebek-Ra, Khepr-Ra, Af- Ra, and the ancient god Kak, who was continued in the Tum-triad when that was formed. Kak signifies darkness, shade, night. The same word as the name of the boat, written kaka, shows a prior form in kf-kf, [p.543] a duplicate equivalent to the second Kaf, as in Kafti or Khebti, and so kak equates with kebekh, the son of, or the second form of Keb, corresponding to kep-kep and kheb-kheb, to descend, go down, fall down, or set; kebeih, ka-ka, or kak, being the sun below in the underworld. In this form of the sun below, a male solar god was created as the author of fire, and the fashioner by means of fire. Hence Khepra, the Egyptian Vulcan, and Hephaestus, the Greek god of fire, who was represented as the lame and limping divinity of divers mythologies; the crooked-legged Ptah; the Hottentot 'Wounded Knee;' and the Greek Vulcan. Kak means darkness; and, in another spelling, khekh is light. Thus, as will be shown in explaining the name of the star Kokab, Kôkab, or Kab-kab, the fundamental meaning is the light-in-shade, and in the solar phase, Kak was the god of darkness, who supplied the name for god as Chugh-Ra, the black sun, in Ge; cagu, Bushman; xaca, Laos; chikkoke, Loango, a black fetish god; kige, Susu; kachqua, Seneca; caogarik, Abipone; kaker, Port Philip; quaker, Nottoways; khogein, Lunctas; jach, Hebrew; jack, English; jauk, Arabic; jacusi, Japanese; ijak, Kodiak; jageach, Radack; jocahuna, Cuban; jaca, Singhalese, devil; eyak, Koniaga, evil spirit; wak, Galla; wakan, Sioux; achuche, Angami-Naga; aogue, Sereres; ukko, Finnic; okha, Otomi; jeko, Gonga; akh, Hebrew and Assyrian." G. H. Massey

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