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AfricaSpeaksRastafariSpeaksCheik Anta Diop

Rastafari Speaks

The pope, not Nobel Obama, calls for Libyan peace *LINK*

Go figure.
The pope?
The anti-christ himself?
The representation of european religious evil?

And HE calls for peace and not the GREAT divinely sent to us Nobel Peace Prize winner?

I would have thought this great messianic deliverer whose picture you people have hanging on the wall next to MLK and Kennedy would have been the one to call for peace...instead of dropping bombs.

With all that has been said about catholics and what not, the Church has NEVER dropped a bomb or fired a bullet upon any Afrikan.

The truth is that an Afrikan president dropped bombs on an Afrikan nation. You cannot spin it. Now, you should see why they trumped him in your faces...for you to be blinded by your own phenotypical egotism...and subsequent pacifism.

And he is not done yet. They have many plans while this person is in office and you people sit there being proud.

Oh and happy first Sunday after the first full moon after the Vernal Equinox...Easter, that is, for all you non-pagans.

*****It's been quite a time. With this election, a number of realizations, about cynicism, arrogance, and words versus work. The paralysis engendered by my point of view about things awakened me to a more pragmatic reality, because it really was too much for a body to bear. I feel like I've grown up or something.*****

Messages In This Thread

The pope, not Nobel Obama, calls for Libyan peace *LINK*
Re: The pope, not Nobel Obama, calls for Libyan pe *LINK*
Re: The pope, not Nobel Obama, calls for Libyan pe
but again, we digress...
Re: but again, we digress...
Re: but again, we digress... *LINK*
Re: but again, we digress...
Re: but again, we digress... *NM* *LINK*
Re: The pope, not Nobel Obama, calls for Libyan pe
Re: The pope, not Nobel Obama, calls for Libyan pe *NM* *LINK*

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