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AfricaSpeaksRastafariSpeaksCheik Anta Diop

Rastafari Speaks

Re: Godzilla attacks, again
In Response To: Re: Godzilla attacks, again ()

Indeed sad.

After the surrender of Japan in 1945, the US engaged in forceful yet seemingly benign reprogramming of the Japanese psyche. So of course that meant their immersion into economics and technology. They had no choice with their 'appeasement' because shame, fear and guilt were all firmly embedded into their minds by the US.

It is very ironic that the very science that was used against them by external hands in the old age (nuclear warfare) is the same science that could result in an even greater catastrophe that was implemented by their own hands.

The Mother Nature aspect (earthquake/tsunami) of their one-two punch has already been spoken for. But the man-made aspect (nuclear meltdown/radiation) awaits and preys upon the psyche of the public as each moment passes.

In 1945, they were bombarded without warning. In 2011 as in the 1954 movie, the people wait in terror for their fate at the hands of the 'radiation monster'.

In the nature-based mindset, there is a peace about what happened at the hands of nature. But there is great disturbance when looking at this nuclear threat.

Godzilla (man-made nuclear tampering) is the very definition of terrorism.

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Re: Godzilla attacks, again
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