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Rastafari Speaks

Re: Greetings with Peace and Harmony


More than any other time in history, it is time to be mentally vigilant. If we pay attention to the global current events, we see a fast shift taking place. This is a time for pseudo-revolutions.

In this new age, we are being bombarded by remnants of the previous age BUT with the powerful strategy shift of "allowing" us the freedom to decide. On face value, this would seem very progressive, however, not if choices are given to those who are incompetent and uninformed (or dis-informed) to make practical decisions. One thing that is certain is our bombardment by egotistical impulses during the end of the previous age via social networking and other cyber-digital implementations.

So far, the aquarian age shows me the markings of being a time of SELF oppression via external dictations from the previous age that are now firmly entrenched into our psyches along with our inflated egos. If we look at how the new age has been defined by the controllers, we see much alleged SELF enlightenment being promoted. However, we also notice that the folly of the previous age IS NOT being refuted. Not only is it not being refuted but it is being used as the ideological and psychological basis for this new age.

There is NOTHING being presented in new age philosophy that says HEY WAIT, racism is wrong, sexism is wrong, hierarchy is wrong, greed is wrong, materialism is wrong, external dependency is wrong, denial is wrong, overcompensating is wrong, projecting is wrong and egotism is wrong.

It is simply re-packaged folly.

Self-incarceration by the inflated ego has chains stronger than ANY iron shackle or plantation owner.

-seek ma'at and it finds you

Messages In This Thread

Greetings with Peace and Harmony
Re: Greetings with Peace and Harmony
Re: Greetings with Peace and Harmony
Re: Greetings with Peace and Harmony
Re: Greetings with Peace and Harmony
Word! Bless *NM*
AmAmerica and the Shift in Ages *NM* *LINK*
Re: AmAmerica and the Shift in Ages *LINK*
Re: AmAmerica and the Shift in Ages *NM* *LINK*
Re: AmAmerica and the Shift in Ages
Re: AmAmerica and the Shift in Ages
Re: AmAmerica and the Shift in Ages
then again...
Re: AmAmerica and the Shift in Ages *LINK*

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