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AfricaSpeaksRastafariSpeaksCheik Anta Diop

Rastafari Speaks

Re: anxiously awaiting your book . . . *LINK*

Just in case you're not being facetious: No more books need to be written the information is already available, what's required is honesty and action. Having read the responses of some people to the revelation that Asians and Caucasians carry some Neandertal genes, I'm amazed at the success of the propaganda. In the past I've always adhered to knowing and learning about the world/universe through/in myself, thus many of my researches were the result of some personal manifestation. Thus I'm appalled by the ignorance in such statements as "Sub-Saharan Africans should not feel slighted or offended that Neandertal genes weren't, so far, discovered in their genome." When in fact they should be rejoicing, and would be, if they knew the truth, but unfortunately, too many bought the propaganda.

The number one killer of modern humans is Chronic Inflammation, it manifests as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, osteoporosis and numerous forms of cancer; and the primary cause for this auto-immune response, turned destructive, is our bodies inability to synthesize vitamin D. But here's the catch 22, "Because vitamin D can only be synthesized via a photochemical process, we need to be exposed to sunlight to photosynthesize vitamin D in our skin to satisfy our body’s vitamin D requirement." wikipedia. And there are very few food sources of Vitamin D, salmon, lots of it, many of our staples have to be fortified with vitamin D, but because oral ingestion is less efficient and more likely to lead to overload; too much can be more harmful than helpful: What is the White, Light, Bright, and darned near-White supposed to do? As too much exposure to sunlight is likely to produce the very thing they are seeking to avoid. A natural immune response turned rogue.

Another sunlight driven human essential is adenosine triphosphate synthesis: "These enzymes are of crucial importance in almost all organisms, because ATP is the common "energy currency" of cells." wikipedia. see link

As our sun gets brighter and hotter the human self-preservation instinct, deceived or hoodwinked by Euro-Supremacy propaganda has become warped, and less informed by nature; and like our body's immune system's response, we've become our own worst enemy.

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Re: King Tutankhamen’s DNA is Western European
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Re: King Tutankhamen’s DNA is Western European
Re: King Tutankhamen’s DNA is Western European *LINK*
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