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Rastafari Speaks

Re: The Elders Have Passed The Baton To The Youths

While I agree that it is individuals that make up the movement and that some of us are doing quite well within the tradition, individuals can also be selfish at times. Therefore for the Movement to really take root it must tackle projects that are beyond the scope of any individual or group. It should act like a corporation with moral fortitude of course. There are responsibilities of the Movement that no one individual or group of individuals should tackle.

For instance the school that HIM gave to JA and the region during the 1966 visit is now our responsibility, notwithstanding the gov. of JA. As his children we have done a poor job of maintaining and improving this school. My proposal is to upgrade the school to university status by relocating the school on 10,000 acres of land with a water source. That is the main ingreadient for relocation. We could maintain the present location as a Preparatory Sshool.

Upon initial relocation say within 50 years or so the school should be upgraded to a technical high school on 40 acres out of the plot with a green sustainable power generatiing plant as a source of energy and finance. Eventually a college and research center and then the university can be realized resulting in the Haile Selassie I Educational, Research and Industrial complex. Hiring world leading teachers, scholars, researchers and industrialists from among our ranks. This will be our contribution to building African Nation hood, not a separate Rasta Nation as some of us might think.

This model should then be replecated wherever we find ourselves on this earth. HIM gave the people of the Caribbean a beautiful gift and planted it in JA. If we fail to honor HIM by not taking care of this gift and letting it grow then we are not worthy to be called by his name. At least maintain what exist. I know over the years projects have been launched especially the labour day clean up, I myself participated in one of those early ventures.

We have the resources and the ingreadients among us to make it happen. The Twelve Tribe demonstrated how we could pool our resources together back in the 70's (I am no TT affiliate in any way). This however takes another level of organizing which we are not used to. We have to learn this from the masters like HIM, Marcus, Malcom, Dr. King and even our own Bob whose dedication and professionalism to the music (never late for a show as one example)is to be emulated in all aspects of our lives.

When we as a Movement can attain that level of orgainzation Then we will be living up to our creed. We would not have to worry about Bongo Tawny's transition ceremony and final resting place. Tawny's was the first Binghi I attended Ras, July 23 1975 and I danced like fire. It is sad to know that I was dancing on his future grave.
We would not have to worry about Ras Historian or any other Ras who may fall on hard times. Even the elders can do light work on a farm or any other establishment that we may develop, leaving the heavy work for the stronger youth. Not one of our seed should be begging bread or work, shelter or clothing.

Rise up you mighty Movement and wake up from your slumber, there is much to be done, the world will wait no longer.

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