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AfricaSpeaksRastafariSpeaksCheik Anta Diop

Rastafari Speaks

Bongo Tarny has finished his work and moved on.
In Response To: Aother Nyabinghi Blues. ()

Bongo Tarny or Ras Iyarny, was an African patriot who was very active on the frontline of the struggle in the early sixties or before, and continued to struggle for the liberation of African people, until recently, quite recently he made the great transition and has now become an Ancestor. He was stationed in Jamaica but has travelled to the USA many times, Rapresenting Rastafari people's movement in the capacity as a Nyabinghi Iyagel, as well as an African liberator in his own rights.

We have worked together in the early sixties as well as the late eighties, and have travelled over hills and valleys, agitating for the rights of African people everywhere. In the early sixties we aere instructed to leave the City of Kingston and ascend up into Warieka Montains, for meditation and spiritual upliftment and Ras Iyarny was there among us, when the Iverstanding Iyanguage was revealed to us, which we took to the valley of Abaca, and share it among our people until this very day.

When we started the Iya Iya Iyant in the hills, it echoed throughout the mountians and travelled down to the plains of the Rennock Lodge and other housing Schemes, and they thought that there were thousands of us up there, chanting sacred songs in the mountains, and as a result the police invaded the mountain and arrested six of us very early one morning, three adults and three children. They tried to frame us for something which we did not possess, but they were confounded in court after they were found lying, and so, the case for the adults was thrown out of court. Later on we had to go to the Juvenile Court to Defend our children which we did, and took them home after the police also tried to harrass us, because we all came to the Court in large numbers, to redeem our children which we did, they were also force to throw out the matter related to our children.

In those days in Jamaica Rastafari people were often arrested innocently and when a Iyadren or a sistren was arrested, a large number of us would go to the Sutton Court house or which ever station he or she was held, and did whatever we had to do to try to redeem he or she from captivity. In closing,I would just like to say again, the Bongo Iyarny was a fearless frontline agitator for African people, and that he was among us on many occasions, when we had to face babylon from time to time to redeem our people. So now he has finished his works and has moved on to another spiritual level. The journey of life continues. Take the best care of yourselves and your people.
Again I send many oceans of blessings and self determination to African people everywhere.
Baba Ras Marcus.

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Bongo Tarny has finished his work and moved on.
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