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Rastafari Speaks

Re: What Good Fruits Did The Mission To Africa Bea

"Why are there no large scale land grant for African people in the African Disapora in Mama Africa"?
Although I have not completely given up hope in respect to land grants for African's in the Diaspora - the likeliness of it ever happening on a wide scale is unlikely in my view. If you take the case of Kenya, after the Post Election violence in 2007, where upwards of 50,000 people were left homeless, and the government responded with putting them in tents in isolated areas of Rift Valley and their compensation to these indigenous Kenyans to rebuild their lives, rebuild homes etc was about $480 USD per family, and to top that off - the government officials have not even distributed all of that to the families in the almost 3 years since these people have been living as internally displace people. It is SHAMEFUL - and if I would not have seen it first hand, I would be hesitant to believe it, but it is true Baba!

The historical ramifications of colonialism is well documented and of course true - but, although it is not popular to say, many of our problems as a people is rooted in our own greed and lack of care for our brothers.

In a city as big as Nairobi - if you get robbed, you are on your own, forget calling the police, cause many of them will blame you for getting robbed and or ask you for cash to assist you. If your house is burning down - dont call the fire department cause they aint coming, trucks dont work and the water management system is so lacking that if you cant put out the fire your self - forget about it. Sad, but so true. To think that these politicians give a damn about those of us in the Diaspora, when they arent even taking care of the people right in front of them. It's CRAZY!

I can only speak for Kenya, b/c that's where I'm at now, but it is extremely disapointing to see a beautiful country so obviously mismanaged.

Jomo Kenyatta, who we learn in the west was a great freedom fighter - ones hear and see of a different story of his legacy here - his family owns HUGE tracks of land, that he just gave them and others in his ethnic group "Kikuyu" .. the impunity is alarming. Most people here that one would consider to be Pan-African despise Jomo Kenyatta - and that was a hard pill for me to swallow. But when you see that the primary beneficiaries of his policies are his family, its hard to find fault in the people that dispute the validity of his being viewed by many as a champion or freedom fighter.

Taxes are insane, and one wonders where the tax dollars go because the roads are horrible - but the word on the streets is that a company tenders to do road construction - and they just keep the cash and nothing is done about it. One of the taxi driver's in my neighborhood's auntie died because she could not pay for the anti-venom medicine after she was bit by a snake (it cost $150) but the people in the hospital would not care for her until they saw the cash - so she died in Kenyatta hospital.

It's doubtful that I will settle in Kenya - Jah willing I will look west (Ghana) or South (Namibia) next year, when my work here is done in 2011. It's disappointing, because the people and country is beautiful but the beauracracy, insecurity and politicks is alarming. WE as Africans need to get our house in order.

Official: Kenya's postelection aid program failed
2009-12-07 22:41:00

A government program intended to aid tens of thousands of people displaced by Kenya's postelection violence has failed because of widespread corruption and inefficiency, a top human rights group said Monday.

A report by the Kenya Human Rights Commission said the government has failed to meet basic standards required to assist thousands of people who escaped the 2007-2008 violence.

The report, released Monday, came days after the government-funded Kenya National Commission on Human Rights said government officials had misappropriated $2.7 million in funds meant to help victims of violence relocate.

Instead, the victims have been forced to beg and some sell sex in return for food and money, said Tom Kagwe, the deputy executive director of the Kenya Human Rights Commission.

More than 50,000 people who escaped election violence are living under torn tents with no sanitation facilities, food or water following the failure of the government's resettlement program, he said.

"In my general assessment if I were to grade (the government resettlement program) on a scale of 1 to 10, I would hesitate and give them

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