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How White Supremacy Work in Area of Entertainment

peace and hotep,

How many images of destruction, death, murder, mayhem, sexual perversity, depravity, in short, unhealthy images are being consumed by victims of white supremacy? What is the net affect of these images? How do these various forms of entertainment help keep the system of white supremacy in place? What can be done to offset its damage?

When possible, avoid all forms of “entertainment” that requires that you be directly involved with others. When possible, seek to “entertain” yourself alone. Minimize and/or eliminate all unnecessary time spent in the company of others for purposes of “entertainment”.

Reason / Explanation:

Under White Supremacy (Racism) non-white people usually spend too much time, energy, and money “entertaining” each other. They spend too much time in each other’s company, doing too many things that produce little of constructive value.

Such contacts usually serve to do little more than promote animosity, conflict, “show-offism”, dishonesty, gossip, and other forms of unnecessary and destructive activity.

Do not gloat, cheer, and/or express gladness about the death and/or injury of any person, animal, etc.

Reason(s) / Explanation(s):

Death and/or injury is never a reason to rejoice.

To “celebrate” the death and/or injury of any person, animal, etc. is unjust and incorrect.

It is incorrect to regard killing and/or maiming as “entertainment”.

Except for counter-racist education purposes, do not support, participate in, and/or be a paying spectator to, any form of “entertainment” or “sport” which has as it’s basic objective the glorification of the White Nation (White Supremacy).

Avoid helping to promote “beauty contests”.

Reason(s) / Explanation(s):

It is incorrect to attempt to “contest” beauty, Beauty is the revelation of truth, and the promotion of justice and correctness. Also, it is incorrect to directly or indirectly make a sport of, and/or to make jest of talent, ability, disability, physical appearance, etc. It is incorrect to directly, or indirectly, promote arrogant “pride”, belittling division, envy, greed, jealously, (falsehood, injustice, incorrectness) etc.

Since no person in the known universe is the quality of person that he or she should be, there is no person in the known universe that is “beautiful”.

There is not now, nor will there ever be, a justifiable reason for a so-called “beauty contest”.


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