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Rastafari Speaks

Re: Skunk weed and Psychosis
In Response To: Re: Skunk weed and Psychosis ()

Yes Ras, Raspects.

There was an interesting Documentary on TV here in the UK recently, looking at the claims and facts as to whether there is really a link re Cannibis and Mental illness, especially amongst the youth who do seem to be more affected and prone to developing schizophrenia from skunk use.

They found that traditional cannibis actually has properties (think it is that canniboidal?) that actually reduces Psychosis. In fact they were looking to pharmaceutically produce a drug to treat schizophrenia from that chemical component.

However, once the THC levels in the plant are increased, (as in skunk and so many humanly altered, bred modern potent strains, hysroponically and chemically grown etc..) it greatly reduced and replaced the "good" chemical, causing an "imbalance" in the plant, and hence possibly increasing the risk of psychosis.

Man's focus being, if nature makes something nice, they can improve on it and meddle with it. Make it stronger, more knockout etc... seeing as most western peoples focus on herb is NOT a spiritual or natural one, but just seen as a next stimulant like alcohol or coke, or fried food, it is no wonder they only focused on creating stronger and stronger strains to bigger their high. They don't respect what The Higher force has already created for I&I.


Love and Bless

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Re: Skunk weed and Psychosis *LINK*
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Re: Pot Use Might Speed Onset of Psychosis: Study

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