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AfricaSpeaksRastafariSpeaksCheik Anta Diop

Rastafari Speaks

yes, and the means of social manipulation

let us be mindful that we are living in a society that has been manipulated by the fear of and the 'War on Terror' for the last 8 years. (and more recently, the green/global warming campaign)

So now we have fear of this 2012 date which by the way is the mystical 'official' determination of the transition from the Age of Pisces to Aquarius.

Aquarius may prove to be even more oppressive because of the controllers' success in steering us into becoming slaves to our own egos.

The unfortunate thing is that many look to the Age of Aquarius as a time of automatic improvement/enlightenment whereas the reality is that the entire ideology is bogus. The ability of human consciousness/awareness just does not all of a sudden increase on a selected Gregorian calendar threshold date. The "new age" is but the steering away from our realization that WE, and not the positioning of certain constellations, or energies flowing from certain stars can impart real change.

It is no fluke that the re-election opportunity for Obama and this 'event' fall within several weeks of each if the presidential election will serve as a final chance to purify one's heart.

The final moral decision before 'Judgment Day'.

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yes, and the means of social manipulation
Re: yes, and the means of social manipulation

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