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Rastafari Speaks

Re: well im gonna read marcus garvey theories and

peace and hotep,

Lord Creator.

1. do you know and understand the basic characteristics of a racist(white supremacist), as regards how he or she functions in each and every area of activity, including Economics, Education, Entertainment, Labor, Law, Politics, Religion, Sex and War?

2. Are you now, or have you ever been a racist?

3. are you now, willfully, deliberately, and by personal choice, maintaining comradeship withe any person who you have reason to believe is a racist (white supremacist)?

4. what are you doing now, and what have you ever done, willfully and deliberately, to eliminate racism (white supremacy)?

5. what suggestions do you now offer to the victims of racism (non'white' people) as to what they, themselves, may, can and/or must, do to insure that racism (white supremacy) is immediately eliminated and/or the victims compensated?

'white' people, generally, produce more questions, and more answers, about more things, than all of the 'black' and/or non'white' people of the known universe combined.

in the process of producing many questions and many answers, great numbers of 'white' people discovered that they had learned more, and knew more, about more different things, than all of the 'black' and/or non'white' people of the known universe combined.

in the process of learning, many 'white' people discovered that when they had sexual intercourse withe 'black' people, any off-spring produced were usually not a nearer 'like'ness of themselves. the off-spring were 'non'white in appearance, and/or "classification", most of the time.

being, collectively, 'smarter' than 'black' people, being incapable of producing 'white' off-spring through sexual intercourse withe them, and "fearing" the ability of black people to produce people of all "colors" as well as the "non-color" {'white'}, many 'white' people decided to SUBJUGATE 'black' people--- using "color" as a basis, or "reason".

the subjugation of people based on color, and/or, by using factors "associated withe" color, has resulted in the establishment, maintenance, expansion, and ofttimes refinement of the greatest and most effective form of injustice in the known universe.

this injustice is ofttimes referred to as RACISM, and more specifically reffered to as "white supremacy".

in the process of making non'white' people subject to them, those 'white' persons who participate in the practice of WHITE SUPREMACY do so through the greatest and most sophisticated use of deceit, direct violence and/or the threat of violence, ever devised by people, among the people of the known universe.

WHITE SUPREMACY (RACISM) is now the dominant socio-material force among the people of the known universe. No major problem(s) in the areas of Economics, Education, Entertainment, Labor, Law, Politics, RELIGION, Sex or War can be solved as long as 'white' supremacy exists."

Lord Creator:

speak and act to oppose the belief that 'white' supremacy (racism) is "God's religion", or is a part of, "God's religion".


it has been said that "God made white people for the purpose of serving God, and God made black people for the purpose of serving white people".

this could be true. there is much to indicate that it is true.

if true, however, there is much to indicate that the smartest and most powerful white people have chosen NOT to "serve God". there is much to indicate that the smartest and most powerful white people [White Supremacist] have chosen to subvert, and/or replace God. they have, apparently, chosen to "make" themselves "God". it is unfortunate, non-just, and incorrect for the smartest, and most powerful of the people of the known universe to have organized themselves into a "race".

not all white people, presumably, are members of a race, but, apparently, those who are smarter, and, therefore, more powerful, do function [by choice] as race members [Racists/White Supremacists]. they have made Racism their "religion". they have made Racism into the most powerful "religion" among the people of the known universe, and made themselves the "God" of that "religion".

to confuse their victims, they have disguised their practice of Racism by using the names and titles of many other religions and social concepts. this has helped them to refine their subjugation and abuse of their victims.

they have chose to have non'white' people "worship" them for being "white" and supreme. they have attempted to make God and White Supremacy one and the same. they have done all this for no ultimate purpose than to "glorify" White Supremacists (Racists).

the basic speech and action of a Racist (White Supremacist) is only for the purpose of promoting falsehood, non-justice, and incorrectness as the funtional foundation for Racism (White Supremacy).

the Racists are masterfully skilled in the use of deceit and direct violence.

it is reasonable to believe that Racism does not serve God. also, there is no reason to believe that a person can be a Racist, and serve God, AT THE SAME TIME.

if Racism does not serve the purpose(s) of the Creator [God], then it is the DUTY of the victims of Racism [non'white' people], as well as the duty of those white people who are NOT Racist, to speak and act to eliminate Racism. it is also the duty of those white persons who are Racists, to stop being Racist.

if these duties are performed, conditions will then be better for the Creator's [God's] purposes to be served.

the value of any "religion" should be determined by how it affects people in the way that they relate to each other, as well as all that is in the universe.

people who have great power were "given" the means and ability to develop that power, if people who have great power use that power to mistreat people, the have, by so doing, destroyed their reason for HAVING that power. it is then the duty of those persons who have been mistreated to persuade those persons who have been misusing that power. it is the duty of the mistreated persons to cause these powerful persons to be separate from their power. in causing this separation from power, it is correct for the mistreated to use correct social force and/or correct counter-violence.

the correct purpose for producing, receiving, or sharing knowledge, and/or power, is to reveal truth, and to use truth in a manner that produces justice and correctness----in order to produce "peace".

no people should do other than this. no people should BE ALLOWED to do other than this.


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