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Rastafari Speaks

Re: Barack Obama's Official Fathers Day Proclamati


A male who promotes justice and has the ability to produce justice at all times, in all places in the known universe.


I have been told that being a man means:
1) Getting plenty of heterosexual sex
2) Fighting/Killing
3) Dominating Females in all areas of people activity (especially SEX)
4) Thinking things through
5) Hiding your emotions (men don't cry)
6) Hiding affection

Those are incorrect. Those characteristics produce conflict and injustice...But on a greater level, they produce confusion. So, to bypass the confusion, I have created this definition for Older males who discuss with younger males about what it means to be a man.

Child: Dad, kids at school tease me.

Adult: What do they tease you about?

Child: They tell me I won't become a man because I didn't uh.. um.. uh...have sex withe this girl after school. They call me gay,and the girls laugh at me.

Adult: Don't worry about the names people call you. Worry about action.
Now, Let me tell you what a man is...A man is a male who promotes justice and has the ability to produce justice at all times, in all places in the known universe.

Child: Umm. What's justice?

Adult: Guaranteeing that no person is mistreated and Guaranteeing that those who need help most receive the most help.

Child: Oh. Are you a man?

Adult: I'm attempting to be and so should you.

Child: Why aren't you a man?

Adult: Because I'm subject to White Supremacy/Racism. The racists inhibit my ability to produce justice in all places at all times. If I did
act, without regard to them, I may be killed and be unable to help you and your mother. We are prisoners, son. We are prisoners in a racial prison.When racism/white supremacy is replaced with a system of justice,
Then we will be able to be Men. Because we will not be subject to the racists/white supremacists.

Child: I see. Thanks dad.

Adult: Anytime.


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Barack Obama's Official Fathers Day Proclamation *LINK*
Re: Barack Obama's Official Fathers Day Proclamati
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