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Re: Putting this reasoning in context


and give thanks for the reasoning,

Ayinde, you have said,

"I am not the one who suggested that race mixing is a way to help break down racism, and I don’t want to believe that you are really asking the victims of racism to wait 5000 years before we can get equal opportunity."

it was not my intent to suggest that you were a proponent of racial admixture as a solution to racism, in fact i was under the impression that you were arguing quite the opposite case. i also would be loath to suggest that anyone being discriminated against should have to wait five millenia until they got some sort of equality. were it up to me i would have that happen before i finish typing this little rant. Which, i suppose, brings me back to my original premise, which is that to a certain extent it is up to me to combat racism (sexism, etc) on an individual level, and this holds true for everyone. This is a problem that i believe exists at an individual level, and it requires individual solutions.

Yes there are structural, large scale artifacts of discrimination, and these may well give rise to even more discrimination, but in the end it is people who act, not ideas or social institutions. i would argue that if you wait/agiitate for changing things at the large scale level you will be quite possibly waiting for a considerably long time. People have been busily discriminating against one another for the better part of 10 000 odd years, and dont show any sign of slowing down despite many large scale social changes. People are, it would seem, still people irrespective of the socio-political context that they exist within.

i entirely agree with your thoughts on the likely net outcome of a 'brown' global order. People would indeed still discriminate against one another, possibly on more fine tuned colour basis, or more likely on the basis of gender, sexuality, religion, class, or the thousand other excuses that folk use to give one another a beating, metaphorically or otherwise. All of which opens an entirely new can of worms. How is it that people can stop discriminating against one another for ANY reason?

love and life

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Re: Race..so now what?

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