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Re: who thinks the current u.s. admin. is christia

welcome back

*****does religion really play the role that the "left" wants to make it look like in the current administration*****


"Divine rights" has always been the justification starting with Columbus...now defense of terrorism is the justification behind the colonization of the mideast.

Bush won on the appeal to the xtian right. That was Clinton's role, to make the masses DEMAND a return to conservativism, e.g. McCarthyism, 1950's.

"Terrorism" is being sold as a religious and democratic threat.

No mystery that the masters of spin-doctoring run Hollywood as well as the media and the mideast American policy.

New World Order uses any and all tricks.

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who thinks the current u.s. admin. is christian?
Re: who thinks the current u.s. admin. is christia
Re: who thinks the current u.s. admin. is christia
Re: who thinks the current u.s. admin. is christia
Re: who thinks the current u.s. admin. is christia
Re: who thinks the current u.s. admin. is christia
Re: who thinks the current u.s. admin. is christia
Re: who thinks the current u.s. admin. is christia
Re: who thinks the current u.s. admin. is christia
Re: who thinks the current u.s. admin. is christia
Re: who thinks the current u.s. admin. is christia
Re: who thinks the current u.s. admin. is christia

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