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Re: Another Faker smoked out
In Response To: Another Faker smoked out ()

Now, I know the so-called Tanzanian (rooster tom) says he will not be checking the products of my 'polluted mind' anymore. I miss him/her/it, but, life goes on. I will have to learn to deal with this loss. However I think the ones still reasoning with this 'fork-tongued' person should know what they are dealing with.

Consistency, is important. Like the saying goes, if you do not know what you stand for, then you will fall for anything.

""Islam was spread the same way in Afrika as Christianity- through rape, murder, stealing, and torture. If you say you are a muslim, you are just trading one slave master for another.
Afrikans ALREADY had the Gospel and the stories of Moses, Jesus, etc before the whites and Arabs crawled out of the caves where they lived for thousands of years in ignorance. Babylon did nothing but whiten up the Scriptures and that is why they have lost all cultural and moral significance. This is what happens when people imitate our culture without knowing the wisdom behind it. We had the "Ankh" in Ancient Kmt (or Egypt, in the cracker's language) and all it symbolized was life and more life. The bloodthirsty Crackers came and put a beaten and bloody white man on it and called it a Holy Cross. Islam, Judaism, and Christianity all have their roots in Afrika, so why go through a middleman to get your religion? Especially a middleman who raped our mothers AND little Black children. Do you know what is happening in the Sudan today? How all those "righteous Muslims" (Arabs) are gang-raping little Black girls??
I don't want that Arab's religion. I don't want the Cracker's religion either. Our religion was already approved by God long before they even existed!! ""

""many Black people have found strength and guidance from following various forms of these faiths, therefore I-man nah bun nor chant down other Afrikans who refer to I-self this way""

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