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Re: wake up and read
In Response To: wake up and read ()

I'm so curious about your post. I have not yet gotten a straight answer, about the conflict between Oromos, Amharas, and Tigreans, from anyone from those backgrounds. From most of my own studies I gather that the land that is considered Shoa was where the heart of the Amharas and Tigreans were populated, and it was they who were mostly christian. Over many centuries the Oromos land was invaded over and over by the Amharas and Tigreans, and vice versa. It does seem that it was the Amharas and Tigreans who had the strongest alliances with various european powers and through those alliances accquired more guns. In Yohannes IV's and Menelik II's time it seems as though the most Oromo land was conquered and I'm guessing that this time was also the most devastating for the Oromo people. While Shoa seems to have been riddled by plenty of thier own internal quarrels there always seems to be a distinction made between Amhara/Tigreans and Oromos.

What is the biggest difference. Is it the difference between Muslims and Christians?

It is obvious that there are many Christian Oromos in this time as well, was that Christianity forced on them? Many Oromos I've met have been very sincere about thier Christian faith. I know that before King Ezana of Aksum, it was a pagan kingdom. Was this the same brand of paganism practiced by the Oromos people?

Also, in your own personal opinion do you feel that Haile Selassie I was directly responsible for the persecution of specifically Oromo people?

Had His Majesty not rid Ethiopia of the Italian plague wouldn't all the people within Ethiopia have lost what is thier land and culture? His Majesty was responsible for creating the first Ethiopian constitution, and after it's first revisal He allowed for much more communal freedom amongst individual townships in governing themselves; which eventually led to the establishment of community elected deputies, am I right?

Did this not help Oromo people to regain some of thier independance which had been taken away?

What would you like to see Ethiopia become in the future?

Would you prefer to see Oromo land as it's own separate country?

Do you consider the Mursi, Hammar, Suri etc. to be inhabiting Oromo land?, and who has more right to be there?

What are your feelings towards the repatriated Rastas who have found Shashemane as their home?

If Meles Zenawi gives up his seat will an Oromo become prime minister?

Would an Oromo prime minister unite Ethiopia? If so how?

Is "Galla," a derrogatory term?

Do you prescribe to any certain religion?

I would appreciate your time in answering these questions as well as addressing the questions posted by others before me, concerning this post. Please accept my apology if I am off base with my questions or comments and bring to light what you see fit. As I said I am very curious.
Selam, NB

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wake up and read
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is the ethiopian church part of your complaint *NM*
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