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Re: Truth & Reconcilliation
In Response To: Re: Truth & Reconcilliation ()

"* the other part is - millions of Africans have died and continue to die for European imperialism based on a philosophy which has held the "white race" superior,-"

i was never and shall never not acknowledge my history and my african peopls istory, i also acknowlege humanity of ALL people, in this acknowldement and remebrance i learn abd educate myself and others regarding the sins and wickedness that has, and continues tto have an adverse affect on the people of the earth-however the reality of evil does not diminish the reality of good that can exist within individuals. in choosing to post this article- my focus was not on cnn or any other media outlet and or a synopsis of race and media. my focus was relugated to sharing news of someone doing good, and sharing a spirit of peace and unity-u can interpret the story as you wish."

* alright, so you pointed out one side and i pointed out another - i responded the way i did because i felt as if you were only seeing my comments as cynicism, that vexed me and i felt it necessary to defend my point and not have it be cast away as merely cynicism.

""the fact that CNN chose to focus on race as a factor in the killing of a white woman at the hands of black Africans while failing to account for past and current racially motivated genocide indeed shows a bias."

again, i will reiterate that my point was not, and is not meant to provide a commentary about cnn. if the article mentioned that someone was woking their in the midst of an apartheid s. africa-and she was working alongside those involved in the struggle, does in fact illustrate that there was at the very least acknowledgement that she was working on behalf of the people in repressive regime. -the framework of the story dealt w/ humanitarian workers and journalist working in the midst of "conflict zones," the piece dealt with a journalist in pakistan, a journalist in iraq and a humanitarian/student working in s. africa."

* alright man - gotcha.

""* the fact that you have not seen the point I was trying to make does seem to show that you do not grasp the irony of this article."

i saw full well and continue to see the point you are expressing. my point is simply meant to document overtures of truth, reconcilliation and forgiveness made in the midst of a climate that could have easily been about retribution.
i know the past and i acknowledge the present conditions of those living under clouds of external socio-political oppression. i live it every day: but this reality will not prohibit my ability to see good-even when shrouded in politricks."

* o.k. - i see your side more clearly now, and i am thinking that perhaps you have seen mine as well, but you were not addressing it initially.

"* you frame this as an isolated example, but the proof is in the proverbial pudding - white European and American lives are valued more than the lives of Africans and other dark people and it is reflected in the mainstream media - you can continue to stick up for CNN if you want.
bredrin, with all due respect-you cant skool me on the conditions of my people and how our lives are portrayed in the media. family members dead from aids, life in refugee camps, uncles and brothers locked down for decades-we live it everyday. STILL THAT WILL NOT SHAKE MY FAITH IN THE BEAUTY OF MANKIND, AND THE ABILITY OF PEOPLE DO DO GOOD. my focus is not on cnn-that is yours, if you have an issue w/cnn or any other news agency, voice your opinion-you have that right. my focus is on truth and reconcilliation."

* I apologize for not making it more clear that I was not intending in any way to discredit the works of anyone - I assumed that this was a given, but it seems as if I was wrong. u are right - my focus was on the media. i will try in the future to big up the light that you(and others) are trying to show while offering my critique - this has taught me that being critical w/out acknowledgment(in this internet world at least) can lead to heated arguments that may not be necessary.

""* you see guilt, i see trying to deal with underlying bias that most white people don't acknowledge."

u are applauded for dealing with that bias via the internet. i applaud the sister and all people who gave their life actively battling injustice on the ground-."

* alright, i'm cool with that.

""i'm sure you can now look at the perspective i have given and just dismiss it as guilt, i guess everyone needs an alibi for blocking out truths."

i saw your perspective from the beginning- i chose to focus my energies in this discussion on the perspective of truth and reconcialition. forgiveness and justice. i wonder if you would be focusing your energies on cnn, if she was your sister. all people that have given their lives in the pursuit of truth are broters and sisters in the struggle, this is my perspective."

* another example of the importance of bigging up the light someone else is trying to shed while offering ones own ideas and critiques. to be honest, if she were my sister - i think i still would be focussing on cnn because it seems to me(from the limited amount of information that i was given in the article) that Amy was someone who probably would be vexed that a big story was made about her while ignoring the plight of Africans.

""* you twist this into me downplaying the works of this woman when it really has nothing to do with that at all.*"

i didnt twist anything. i asked you this question:- i wonder if you are willing to go into the battlefield to defend the rights of africans? you have conveniently chosen not to answer. i am sure we both know the answer to that question."

* this is incorrect - i chose to not allow this reasoning to be turned into a competition between the works of Amy and myself because the point i was trying ot make(about the media spin) had nothing at all to do with downplaying her works.

""i guess some cannot see that part of the fight is dealing with context(as I have pointed out) in an attempt to make the work of one's like Amy have a lasting effect rather than just a liberal feel good ego stroke."

well, you are very well versed at dealing w/ "part of the fight," the fight, that does not deal w/ bllod sweat and tears-especially as it concerns non-africans working w/ africans on african issues."

* again, this is not about Amy's works versus my own works - this was never my contention, I hope you can see that now.

""* the fact of media valuing one person's life over others is lopsided bias and a reality, many people tend to ignore it - so your opinion(at least the one you have cared to share here) is pretty common and not very surprising."

my opinion reagrding this issue is well documented in this thread-my focus is applauding truth, reconcilliation and thise who shed their blood in its pursuits."

* I overstand NOW and I can appreciate it more so now. Give thanks for edification. Iron sharpen iron.

I can now with a pure conscience tell the I - bless.

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